Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Guys! You'll never guess what it's doing out there!

Of all the 12,800 hells, I never thought I'd wind up in the Hell Of An Eternity Of Pulling Your Long Johns On During The Today Show To Go Brush Snow Off The Cars Under A Gray And Spitting Sky.

Back in the land of the living, legends spoke of a season called "summer". Obviously a wish fulfillment fantasy on the part of the myth makers.


  1. I've had my windows open for 3 days now. Tonight we are supposed to drop off the cliff again and it might even spit The Dreaded Wintery Mix at us.

  2. There's a place called Arizona...
    (not that we need any more people from out-of-State here!)

    But, for you and Bobbi, I'd make an exception!

    Today's high 84 - Low 58
    Of course, 115 degree Summer says are not unusual!

    (You'd need to bring Brigid along, too!)

  3. So this would be a bad time to gloat, and point out that it has been 76-82 degrees and sunny here in Orlando for over two weeks?

    Here are some pictures of the weather here for the past two weeks:

  4. There is a movie out that shows the "real" situation for those in Indiana. The Day After Tomorrow". Watch it, your new reality.

    Oh yeah, I am in Texas. Currently clear skies, 47 with an expected high of 62.

  5. I'm reminded of an old Richard Pryor routine that had God watching from above and saying "Look! They're taking off their snow tires! Hehehe , Watch this!".

  6. Don't blame me. I'm driving my SUV as much as I can. I'm starting to think Dr. Mann et al might have made a tiny error in their calculations.

  7. Enjoying mid-60s to 70 today.
    Tomorrow's forecast is low to mid-30's.
    Damn winter is more bi-polar than my ex-redhead girlfriend.

  8. I've always thought it was 666 layers of the Abyss and 9 levels of Hell. But, again, I'm a D&D geek.

  9. It dropped 25 degrees in about an hour. The god of the north wind must be appeased!


  10. Gawd, I am so with you. Today will be 72 at the homestead. Tomorrow morning will be single-digit windchills.

    Enough with winter. I. Am. Done.

  11. I won't torture you with the weather here in the 5-0 state. It never changes anyway.

    When I left here to spend a year in Upper Hoosierville a number of folks said they were so jealous we were moving to a place with 4 seasons. One of my team from that area said that, "Sure, they've got 4 seasons, but they are 'Almost Winter,' Winter,' 'Still Winter' and 'Mosquito Season.'"


  12. I am still waiting for Al Gore to show up to shovel all this global warming off my driveway.

  13. @Anonymous: The Upper America Siberian (upstate NY) variation of the same theme is that we indeed have four seasons: Winter, June, July and August.

  14. That bit of a front passed through here a few days ago. The key part of that is "passed." The robins outside my office window at -13 sure were pissed though.

    Once it got up into the mid-30s many of us stopped wearing jackets and put on short-sleeved shirts.

    There's even talk of a 60 degree day in the next week or two.

  15. We've got all 4 seasons here in NH: wintah, mud, bugs, & hot.

  16. I am done with winter too. I want it to get warm here and start summer already. I want to experience just one more Texas summer before I leave for Mordor this fall and spend 5 years in frozen hell working on my PhD.


  17. Coming up on Springtime in the Rockies, when we shovel snow in shorts and tees, and point out funnels aloft to scare the noobs.

  18. Beats Hell of Boiling Oil... or Hell Where People are Skinned Alive.

  19. My thermometer said -7f this morning a few hundred miles north of you.

    This summer you speak of? It sounds nice, perhaps after the sun has burned out we shall see this paradise, until then I think I saw a wooly mammoth trying to hump my hatchback, must grab the spear and my brothers, for tonight we dine in hell or we shall dine well!

  20. So, I followed the link to Diyu and it sounds pretty much like the Internet.


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