Saturday, March 15, 2014

Please let us know where to mail your internet.

Hey, this keyboard really is beer-proof!


  1. While I was previously not a twit, I have recently twittercized for tweet's sake.

    Had to favorite that one from Caleb.

    Let's see what kind of damned fool I can make of myself.

  2. It all makes sense when you know the whole story.

  3. I still vote for Aliens... :-)

  4. Old NFO, that theory is not inconsistent with MSNBC's via Mr. Howe.

  5. Hah!

    > I still vote for Aliens... :-)

    That was the consensus last night as well. But when we got down to details surprisingly I was the only one who knew of the distinction between the Nordics and the Greys, despite the ratio of graduate degrees to people being greater than 2:1 at our table. Not sure if that is a sad commentary on what passes for education these days, or an unfortunate fact about me. Either way, I blame it on the unironically consumed PBRs and Narragansetts. It was a drinking establishment where <a href=">Ol' Jimbo</a> would have felt quite at home, I'm sure. To top it off, I had to explain about the "Nordic Aliens" to an actual tall, blonde, blue-eyed Swedish person.

  6. The only thing MSNBC has taught me is to avoid MSNBC.

  7. Gee... Flipping through the channels a few minutes ago MSNBC had a piece from last year on Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed and the 3-D printing of weapons, specifically a polymer AR-15 receiver and 30 round so-called "high capacity" magazines. The reporter wanted to dwell on on the "anarchist" aspects of Cody Wilson, while Cody Wilson wanted to dwell on the freedom from government interference of a Constitutionally enumerated right. The BATFE rep in charge of "firearms tracing" throwing up his hands and giving Fed-speak for "Lawdie, Lawdie!!!" for the concept of people manufacturing their own weapons was particularly worthwhile watching.


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