Wednesday, March 05, 2014

That's the guy!

So, you might remember our little primer on "How To Not Wind Up A Homicide Victim" the other day, offering such easy-to-follow tips as "Don't Do Drugs" and "Don't Stand Around On A Street Corner Minding Your Own Business, Not Doin' Nothin', At 1AM."

The problem with both of these activities is that they exponentially increase your contact with criminals of the sort that might be a little hazy on the whole "Thou Shalt Not Kill" concept.

Some further things to avoid:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Everybody in that house was doing drugs that night, are on drugs or associated with drugs," said Ashley Brown, a cousin of one of the victims.

    Of course, correlation isn't causation. Maybe there was something wrong with the tap water.

  3. The Marion County Chamber of Commerce called . . . AGAIN, they want you to stop, please just stop.

    Shootin' Buddy

  4. Good advice:

  5. Yep...If you are going into a life of crime a not advised to do anything that would make you stand out.

    The ones that do are near the shallow end of the gene pool.

  6. That reminds me... I need to get some facial tattoos.

  7. Stuart the Viking9:02 AM, March 05, 2014

    So, a bunch of criminals busted into a drug house full of other criminals and killed them.

    We aren't encouraging this why???



  8. Don't go to stupid places, with stupid people and do stupid things...

  9. I once attended a "diversity" seminar (against my will, mind you) wherein a dude who put on a fake Mr. Myagi accent because he ASSUMED that the ignorant rubes in his audience would be unable to spot the difference spent time telling us useful things like you can't tell anything about someone just because they have a tattoo on their neck. I told him that in my experience someone who took the trouble to tattoo a swastika on his forehead was communicating some very important information about himself to the rest of the world and that you'd be a goddamn fool to ignore it. Needless to say, I wasn't popular.

  10. I'm sure that all the perps and victims were in the midst of turning their lives around when this unfortunate event took place.

    If their lives had not been interrupted by this tragic accident, they all would have been successful and loving members of your community.


  11. Professionally, I will tell you that I LOVE me some facial tattoos.

    Neck tats are pretty awesome, too.

    Thanks for the help, Ghost Dawg.

  12. a "diversity" seminar ... wherein a dude who put on a fake Mr. Miyagi accent
    WTF? A Diversity Seminar [glorious] leader doing that? Time to turn around and look for Allen Funt (that's like Punk'd without the feckless douchebag, kids).

    someone who took the trouble to tattoo a swastika on his forehead
    Haven't had the pleasure of meeting a forehead-swastika man yet, though I did once take care of a multiple-substance intoxicated guy who had a swastika tattooed on his neck. To my shock he was an aggressive, ill-mannered, racist (I learned a bunch of new epithets that shift*), little shave-headed man who ran around the ER yelling and scaring other patients. But thanks to the power of haloperidol and 4-point leather restraints we (I and five security guys and gals -- apparently it was a slow night because they all gleefully trooped into the ER when we only asked for two) were able to help the gentleman in question see reason. I was really tempted to use a gag instead of Haldol, but a senior colleague advised that that would probably lead to court time.

    *Weirdly enough neck-swastika dude didn't call me any racial epithet. He did however start by threatening to kill me, then to have me killed, and it went downhill from there. I bet Aesop or AD have a million stories like that, but I trained in a nice quiet college town where the crazy people never made it to the Internal Medicine floors where I usually spent my time. That ER rotation was quite interesting.


    Neck tats on the women and 'We ain't did nothing and she started it" from the one family member not arrested.


  14. Let's see... You've got multiple family/friends locked up, with all that entails vis a vis lack of income, bail bond, attorney fees, etc., and someone thinks "Hey! Let's go spend money on airbrushed hoodies to show support!"

    Second, where does one even go to get something airbrushed once the State Fair caricature artist has blown town for the season?

  15. Working in the criminal justice loop, I appreciate defendants with tattoos that reflect their hopes and dreams, like "thug" on the side of a perps neck, or tear-drops next to the eye,or SS runes (also on the neck), or a spider inked onto some fools forehead.

    Judges and juries just love those things.

  16. I'm sorry but in a dangerous encounter wherein I'm afraid for my life I would probably shoot the guy with the face/neck tattoo first unless I already knew he was my BFF. Snap judgment just has a way of working like that.

  17. Well, I'll be. We've got one of those in Omaha:

  18. after watching a few episodes of COPS i do believe that not only does the guy with no shirt go to jail, but so does the guy with facial tattoos.

    oh, and that whole criminal on criminal, full-house-homicide is just a misdemeanor. *nods sagely*

  19. El Capitan: "Where does one even go to get something airbrushed once the state fair caricature artist has blown town for the season?"

    Paint huffers can do it for you, if you catch them at just the right 'altitude'.


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