Thursday, March 20, 2014

The new normal...

Our Dear Reader reminded us yesterday what is most important in life, and that is that no matter what tumultuous events are occurring on the world stage, we should keep calm and carry on like normal. So, like the president, I am not going to worry about world events, and instead I am going to fill out my NCAA squeaky round ball bracket like a good American!


  1. Taiwan and China would be a toe to toe match up.

    USA must be the top seed in the south west bracket?

  2. Estonia is a full NATO and EU member. Putin might have a bit more trouble buying rioters and undermining the current government.

    I don't think he's crazy enough to get himself in a shooting war against NATO. Poland and Germany have a whole lot of territory they lost in 1945 and wouldn't mind recovering.

  3. I'd love to see the rest of the chart. That China vs Taliban match-up looks like it would set up the Russia vs China conflict over Pakistan and Iran. This could be even better than the tic-tac-toe game from the movie "WarGames", if only it didn't hit so close to reality.

  4. I'd love to see the rest of the chart. That China vs Taliban match-up looks like it would set up the Russia vs China conflict over Pakistan and Iran. This could be even better than the tic-tac-toe game from the movie "WarGames", if only it didn't hit so close to reality.

  5. I'd love to see the rest of the chart, too, as I'd like to know where Tam put Gonzaga.

    (I have no joke here, I just like saying "Gonzaga!")

  6. Yup. Some "leadership" we have in our CINC.
    "Hey I know this guy just punked me out again but...BASKETBALL!!!"

  7. I thought the US lost to the Grand Duchy of Fenwick in the opener?


  8. I figured the US was sitting the tournament out. Either that, or sitting on the sidelines pretending to referee, making squeaky noises telling everyone what they're doing wrong and being ignored.

  9. So... Estonia is gonna beat Biden? Sweet. (With a tire iron, I hope)

  10. We could start a fantasy Armageddon League.


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