Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Stayed up way late and my oversleeping was only interrupted by getting up to feed the cats at 0600 before returning to slumberland.

Dreamed of a giant tree trunk, dead and with no branches, so huge that it had a bayou in the hollow at the top of the trunk, with trees and fallen logs and a fishing shack on stilts and everything, like a swimming pool on a skyscraper rooftop only with Spanish moss and cypress trunks and a couple of little gators instead of a jacuzzi and cabana boys. How the gators got to a bayou hundreds of feet in the air is something of a mystery, now that I think about it.

Anyway the fallen tree trunks floating around up there were all precariously balanced and these two Marine snipers in ghillie suits were climbing around in them looking for a place to set up a hide, setting the whole mass to bobbing and creaking precariously and getting my acrophobia all spun up, so I went in the little fishing shack. And then I woke up.


  1. Have you been reading Larry Corriea again?

  2. If only you could team up with Freddie Wong and create a Youtube channel titled "The Crazy Shit Tam Dreamt Last Night".

    That'd generate some revenue.

  3. Did you find the elevator in the fishing shack that descends to the submarine pen and shark-tank? The alligators are tree-gators that swam up the drain from Brooklyn. :-)

  4. Based on the subject line, I was expecting a murloc update.

  5. Sounds like a sci-fi book I've read !

  6. It was going around. I woke up out of a dream in which I was in my mother's house during an infestation of parasitic wasps and the spiders they were parasitizing. I was sitting as still as I could with two of them crawling on my face while the sweat rolled down. She kept saying it was okay because they were keeping down the spiders.

    Sometimes I wish my subconscious were more subtle.

  7. Yggdrasil killed by the global warmenning.

  8. Gators can climb trees.

  9. Obviously the gators are the surviving multigenerational offspring of the original gators whom were in the bayou when it was still on the ground, before the tree picked it up and carried it skyward.

    As far as they know, the world ends at the edge of the bayou

  10. Jon took my thought, so I'll just say this:

    I'm stealing that for RPG fodder.

  11. Tree-climbing gators, you say?


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