Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Dr. Hugo to the burn clinic, stat!"

QotD from Larry Correia on the Hugo kerfuffle:
"But everybody knows bad people can’t create art, says the side that keeps showering Roman Polanski with awards."


  1. God, SF fandom inside baseball.

    (Hilarious, because the phenomenon of the Social Justice Warrior is always funny.

    Sad, because who the hell cares?

    I mean, WorldCon, for fuck's sake? Who goes to WorldCon, even among SF fans?

    I can see why an author would care about the Hugos [publicity, marketing, money] ... but not why anyone else does.)

  2. B-b-b-but he's not bad, just different! He supports the right policies for women, what does it matter if he's inconsistent with one or two individual women? [/bitter sarc]

  3. Glorious. Haven't read any of his books yet (not really my genre), but the way douchebags like Stross are reacting to his nomination is tempting me to.

  4. I have to admit to pretty much falling down the rabbit hole the past few weeks and reading the constant verbal shots taken in regards to the Sad Puppies campaign.

    I know its just petty d-baggery on the Anti-Correia side, but I also cań't tear my eyes away...

  5. That reminds me, Larry has a new book out. :)

  6. I've been trying to read the anti-Correia stuff with an open mind. I'm a big fan of Larry, but he can be a bit... abrasive.

    And as far as I can tell the only possibly valid thing they've said so far is that Vox Day is kind of an asshole.

    Also, Redshirts won a Hugo? That fan-fiction wankery? I thought it was amusing enough, but if anyone thinks that Warbound doesn't pass the bar for quality writing and that does, I don't know what to say to them.

  7. "... what does it matter if he's inconsistent with one or two really special little girls? "

    - W. Allen

  8. Larry Correia should not be allowed to ever win a Hugo award because is a illegal space alien.

    His adopted parents found him in the wreckage of a spacecraft on their farm in California.

    They knew he would grow to be something special when he started to eat their cows for breakfast instead of milking them.


  9. I have only two things to add:

    1) Hugo Gernsback is probably rolling in his grave; and

    2) This is exactly why I GAFIAted years ago and never looked back. I read what I like and I don't rely on the Gods of Fandom to inform me of what I ought to like. And I haven't been to a con since NorthAmericon in '79. Or maybe RiverCon '80. Can't remember. Screw 'em.

  10. I think I may have to write about this one. Larry is pissing off all the right people, and I'm not a big fan of SJWs either, but...

    Some leftists supporting Roman Polanski doesn't make holding up Vox because he has the right enemies right. Hell, from my one eyeball on the SJWs (who I watch for much the same reason as I watch the Dork Enlightenment people), they were outraged about Polanski to a man/woman/other.

    I've read a lot of his stuff. Some of the quotes have been overblown. Some of them have been overlooked. John Scalzi and Theresa Neilsen Hayden didn't convince me he's a nasty fucking individual, his own words did. Assuming he's been as maligned just because he's a right-winger as Larry has is... tribal, not based in reality. As is (apparently, I could be wrong) filling him in on the slate as much because he's a right-winger as because his novelette is good.

    Like I said, I think I'll have to write about this.

  11. "Hilarious, because the phenomenon of the Social Justice Warrior is always funny."

    It isn't very funny when they mess with people's livelihoods.

    Mike James

  12. Gotta admit LB's got a point there.
    If you search for "Polanski" on SRS, it's obvious they're outraged he hasn't been executed by some paramilitary social justice squad.

    Then again, they hate some cartoon characters and episodes of Dr Who with just as much righteous fury...


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