Thursday, April 24, 2014

Frantic starts now.

Gotta go out and get the Zed Drei onto a flatbed. Hopefully I will have time to catch my breath this weekend so I can go spring it from durance vile. They're predicting convertible weather for much of the next four days; it's good to have Chamber of Commerce weather when you're planning on 70,000+ house guests.
I'm going to try and have as much fun as an introverted misanthrope can have when crammed in with that many strangers.


  1. Getting ready to drive thru the rain most of the way from MN to Indy. Looking forward to meeting you at the trauma training. I'll try not to be too much of an obseqius sycophant.

  2. Introverted misanthrope. Mobs of strangers. That tops the list over expense as to why I've never been to an annual meeting.

    What I don't get is why the introversion doesn't manifest itself in cyberspace. I'm fairly outgoing in that world going back to bitnet circa 1990.

    But in meatspace I'm woefully inadequate and attempts to overcome that usually come across quite lame.

  3. > an introverted misanthrope
    Is it oxymoronic to say that makes you my kind of person?

  4. Not going for the "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die" line? Or is that just too overdone?

  5. Could be worse, could be the Democrat National Convention in Indy that you were attending.

    There, feel any better?

  6. Mr. Lee,

    If it's any indication, my daughter did precisely that for the name tag she put on when we had a New Members Social at church.

    Maybe five people out of the crowd got the joke.

    Those five are my closest friends at our church.


  7. Garrett Lee,

    Different responses are required for "Hello, my name is..." and "Hello, I'm..."

    ("Gumby, dammit!" is another option for the latter, as others have pointed out.)

  8. Sigh.

    Chamber of Commerce weather, NRA convention in town...

    ...and I'm stuck writing papers.

    Everybody else go have fun for me, okay?

    (Okay, I actually think writing papers about the reception of St. Cyprian in Jordan of Quedlinbourg's Exposito on the Pater Noster is fun...but not this weekend, dammit.)

  9. "Hello, My Name Is"...

    No One You Know

  10. Hello my name is:


  11. Or maybe, Hello, my name is...a killing word.

  12. I can remember seeing one of those name tags in high school one morning following some sort of meeting the night before, affixed to the hallway clock - "Hello, my name is CLOCK!"

    It didn't tell us anything else, but did give us the right time of day.

  13. "Hello, my name is...of little importance"

  14. If you want a relatively obscure tag, try "Hi, I'm Hojo Hominigritts"! :D Might've made a good trivia question once upon a time, but a web search will reveal the answer immediately. I'm amazed I still remember it after all these years...

  15. Go old-school with "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash."


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