Saturday, April 26, 2014


I just like saying "Jell-o shots in the Winchester booth!" and seeing who turns up...


  1. Thanks to you and Old NFO for the invite I found (stole) to the meet up tonight; Had a great time.


  2. Cruel, but entertaining.

    Make sure you get pix of the disappointed looks when they see what you were actually talking about...

    ...and publish them here.

  3. Never seen a gelatinous cube mounted as a trophy before. How many hit die do those things have? Looks like it took quite a few shots to put this one down.

  4. Candy Crush. Level: Gun Thousand.

  5. The green flavor without any fruit added is still my favorite; the crunchy stuff in the clear blocks like in your pic, it gets stuck in my teeth.

  6. Hey, didja see the gel blocks at HPR ammunition, way out against the 8XXX wall where Magpul had their compound? Looked like 9" or so from another super-duper fragment producer. I think I have detected A Trend™

  7. My new routine has me chainsawing something like 10-15 cords of firewood per year, plus taking down dead trees on the farm, etc.

    @libertyfarmnh has made me a zero-th responder bag (which I'll get to wear in addition to the steel toed boots, the helmet-with-facemask, the insulated work gloves, etc. ... yippee).

    The two big things in it are a Family Radio Service handset and combat dressings.

    As you point out, there's no substitute for practice. Would love to take a class, but barring one nearby, we'll sacrifice a pricey bandage or two to the god of practice.


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