Monday, April 28, 2014

Little known fact...

When you import cosmoline hundreds of thousands of gallons at a time and run it through the strainer, you can find cool stuff like this caught in the filters...


  1. hmmm, was just lusting after a K31 recently....

  2. Is than a SMLE down there? Hmmm.

    (Should never have sold my Ishanpore...)

  3. Once posted pictures, top comment was "Hey, you got a block of grease with a RIFLE in it!"

  4. Critter: get a K-31 AND a 96/11. The 96/11 I bought was one of the most accurate milsurps I had ever owned. I regret selling it to raise funds for a different firearm.

  5. BTW, is selling a bunch of swiss rifles and black ammoboxes of 7.5 swiss right now ...

  6. Crap. I must be getting it from the wrong places. All my stuff has is engine blocks and machine tool parts.

  7. Back at the 08 NRAAM I ordered 800 rds of 6.5x55mm right in the booth.

    One of the smarter thing I have done in my life.

  8. Checked the site, all they've got is .22lr trainer SMLEs. It's just...not the same.

  9. Buddy Brian and I had a "shoot off" between his Swiss K31 and my Swedish M96.
    The best?
    Which ever we were shooting at the time. Neither Brian and I were up to the quality of the weapons.
    Would never feel under-gunned with either.

  10. I bought my first Swede from them. A Husqvarna M-38. I wish I had been as smart as Mad St. Jack and bought tons of their cheap 6.5x55 as well.

  11. Yes, but a true weapons aficionado can tell you if you're gonna come up with a SMLE, Mosin-Nagant or K-31 just from the smell of the cosmoline.

  12. I can't believe that I didn't see the SAMCO booth. Put the convention back on! I forgot something and need to return!


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