Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Campaign promises...

Well apparently the moment wasn't right then, apparently that was just what you'd call one of those rhetoric thingamijigs... whaddaya call 'em? Campaign promises? ...anyway, he's gettin' around to ocean recedin' and planet healin', any minute now.
Obama has pledged to renew his efforts on climate change during his second term, including using executive actions that bypass Congress. He's introduced new regulations on truck emissions and created "climate hubs" that help businesses prepare for the effects of climate change.
I'm pretty sure "healing the planet" is there in Article II someplace, probably hiding behind one of those emanating penumbras.

I notice this is the front page story on CNN, which is good, because #Benghazi is uncomfortable to the media and the game of chicken we're playing with Russia over events in Ukraine would be enough to cause one to lose continence and start digging a fallout shelter in the backyard if one thinks about it too much.

Y'know what'd cause some climate change? Global thermonuclear war, that's what.


  1. "Y'know what'd cause some climate change? Global thermonuclear war, that's what. "

    Damn. Just damn. The thought of this bunch of wackos, these dilettantes having the power to make their global-warming prophesy come true doesn't often keep me up at night but I think your thought up there is gonna mean a "night-light" at bedtime tonight.

  2. Considering he has screwed up everything else he has done, this should go well.

  3. "If you like your ocean unreceded, you can keep your ocean unreceded."

    Maybe that's what he meant?

  4. The POTUS named Snooki as the Man Made Global Warming or Climate Change Czarina today.

    White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Czarina Snooki had the necessary gravitas for this important initiative.


  5. "Would you like to play a game?"

    I mean hey, whats the worst that can happen, right?

  6. Relevant:

  7. "I'm pretty sure "healing the planet" is there in Article II someplace, probably hiding behind one of those emanating penumbras."

    You remember the Disney movie National Treasure, right?

    It's on the back.


  8. 1) Red alert. Apparently someone doesn't like you. Opera (my browser) has flagged your blog with a malware warning "this page has been flagged for distributing malicious software:.

    2)Comment I meant to make before seeing the forementioned alert:
    I don't really blame the media about Benghazi, since to me the issue of the spinning emails is like two nuns arguing over which patron saint a throat cancer patient should pray to: St. Blaise or St. Jude? The real scandal is that people screwed up badly enough to allow the murder of four Americans, and no one has yet been held accountable for that.


  9. I'd always thought that if the Waters got too high, he'd just part them.

    Although I do congratulate him on winning the Neville Chamberlin Award for Abject Stupidity in Foreign Affairs.

    Fot the Fifth year in a row.

  10. Hey let's not forget that he threatened another nuclear power (China) last week as well. Perhaps he believes Global Thermonuclear War™ is the best way to lower the oceans and nuclear winter is the best way to decrease temperatures.

  11. That clip starts out with Obama saying "I face this challenge with ... knowledge of my own limitations."

    So, is that a lie or just utter cluelessness?

  12. Are Obama and I the only ones here who have noticed it getting warmer these past few weeks? At this rate, we're dead by June! Wake up people!

  13. It's a sign of real incompetence when the Benghazi scandal is trotted out to distract from the problems with Russia.
    I forget what was used to cover for Benghazi? And what was income inequality cover for more recently?
    This is real scandal fatigue.

  14. Tailwind,

    It's called hubris, nowadays interpreted (as closely as possible) as #humblebrag.


  15. And then I had an awful thought...

    Because I can picture these feckless oafs in one of their WH planning sessions. Someone (possibly in jest) suggests that a nuclear war would have the twin benefits of getting #Benghazi out of the news once and for all AND being totally blameable on the Russians. And Obama and all his prepubescent advisors say, "Hmmm..."

    ...and the next thing we know he's addressing the nation from AF1, somewhere above flyover country...

  16. I have noticed it getting warmer as winter has faded. I am glad someone much smarter than I have identified it as a Global Warming Trend, I mistakenly thought it was an early summer.

  17. Those retards at the Orion Group want thermonuclear war. They think it will have less environmental impact than allowing 7 billion humans to keep breathing.

    As long as they get to rule afterwards, they are OK with it.

  18. Summer is coming

  19. Enough with pointing to daily temps and pondering global warming/change.

    Global warming is a measure of the energy available for weather systems. The mere degree or so change is too small to notice -- but the massive change in total energy in the atmosphere means stouter storms, higher highs, lower lows, etc.

    The part I quibble about, is that this isn't natural cycles. Reports that other planets in the solar system are warming at the same time don't keep the balance sheets at Government Motors afloat, not do they buy votes (from sun worshipers? nah.).

    The report from the International Geophysical Year back in the 1970s reported that the 1950s was the mildest decade on record. It seems to me somewhat reasonable, that since things got less mild from the 1950s to the 1970s, that seems we past the peak, and less mild must be ahead. For a *long* time.

    I find it interesting that addressing climate change is spoken in the same sentence with increases in jobs (unsustainable commutes, unsustainable concentrations of housing, financial wealth not representing funamental physical assets like food, trees, land, and unsustainable uses of energy to operate luxurious houses, cars, offices, etc.) as a good thing.

    Ah, well. Chicago must be proud of their President. Chicago gave America Al Capone, too.

  20. You suggest global thermonuclear war as a possibility. In order for there to be a war, wouldn't our side have to shoot/shoot back? With our current president, do you see that happening?

    Besides thinking his $#!+ doesn't stink, he still thinks he's the most important man alive, and that his snake-oil works actual miracles. If a war starts, he's gonna be drawing new red lines and still be trying to talk his way out.

  21. When will he again, for the umpteenth time, focus like a laser beam on job creation?

    Before or after the recession he's gonna cause in the ocean?


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