Thursday, May 29, 2014

How do you say "I'm the only one qualified..." Mandarin?

Do they not have free acccess to YouTube behind the Great Firewall of China? Because the Chinese cops and teachers should have seen this one coming a li away. Did Lee Paige bleed in vain?

(via email)


  1. I like the entirely passive-voice used in the write-up by the AP:

    "A handgun went off..."

    "The gun misfired during a demonstration..."

    Amazing how those firearms just do things by themselves. And the gun "misfired"? To my simple mind, a "misfire" means that it DIDN'T go off when the trigger was pulled. Hhhmmmm.

  2. Welp ... at least the Chinese cops were punished for incompetence, instead of being given paid psych leave.

  3. Chinese cops say "they need to respond faster to violent criminals and other emergencies." How much faster than being right there can you get?

    OTOH, not only the cop whose heater when off all by itself, but several other cops were confined, and mid-level folks were suspended so that they could attend self-criticism sessions.

    I'm thinking that the Chinese are ahead of us on this.

    stay safe.

  4. How do you say "four rules" in Chinese?

    The less than stellar response to gun safety lessons in this country (safety articles are always among the least read posts on my blog)makes me think that the Chinese are (to coin a phrase) same, only different.

  5. Chinese mis-Fire Drill ????

  6. As a matter of fact, they do not have YouTube in the mainland. :)

  7. Apparently Paige spent 8 years trying to sue the DEA over his foot-hurt butthurt.

  8. OTOOH, if it hit the floor you could argue they were following rule two anyway. Rule three not so much.

  9. Grrrr... I hate reporters.

    The "gun went off." The gun "misfired." (which, as it were, actually means it failed to go off when you wanted it to, further adding to the grrrr factor here.)

    These people are absolutely committed to making guns seems like malevolent, evil forces with will of their own, bent on destruction and mayhem, as opposed to the truth - some dipshit pulled the trigger on his gun when he didn't intend to do so, and the gun did exactly what it was designed to do.


  10. The AP story was altogether too smug at the end. "If only the US were like the PRC and we had restrictive gun laws..." was probably what the reporter was thinking.

  11. I can't help myself but I really like the way the chinese authorities handled the incident. Now, I wonder if they do the same when they accidentally black bag the wrong person on the hunt for dissidents?

    P.S. I seem to remember they also dealt pretty ruthlessly with the guy responsible ( or so they though sans trial) for all of the lead found in the cheap toys. They yanked him outside and executed him on TV. Put a bullet in his head in front of the factory.

  12. JohninMd.(HELP?!??)6:29 PM, May 29, 2014

    To make this even nuttier, according to a post on Grant Cunningham's blog, the cops in China are packing double action _revolvers_. Don't even have a Glock to blame, poor dears.....

  13. Did Lee Paige bleed in vain?

    No, he bled due to vanity .....

    .... or maybe it was hubris.

    If so, he got off lightly .... the Gods can be mighty vindictive at times ......


  14. Another reason the police are being armed in China: various locals, tired of corruption in local leadership and unable to get the communist Kleptocrats at any higher level to fix things, have had several semi-violent protests where the local chiefs get tossed from office.

    If your entire government is based on corruption, theft and oppression, you want your official protectors of the state to be able to suppress the revolting peasants without the bigwigs in the capital having to intervene on your behalf.

    Chinese Communists Party Members: one of the few groups in all of China deserving a long stint in re-education camps, yet the least likely to ever be sentenced to that.

  15. Lee Paige speaks Mandarin along with his other "professional" skills?


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