Friday, May 23, 2014

It's strange... I've managed to work up such a loathing for taking the trash out. It's not a particularly difficult or time-consuming chore. I think it's the whole "Friday morning before 0800" thing.

Either I need to come up with some "whistle while you work" head game to undo all the subconscious negative connotations I've built into it, or just suck it up and take it out Thursday nights and bask in the glory of being able to stay in my PJ's longer on Friday mornings.


  1. Have a hog floor to clean every week. Did that as a youth. Nothing has ever bothered me since. At least as far as garbage is concerned.

  2. Helped my daughter raise a pig for Future Farmers of America. Paul is right. Those animals are way too close to human to make mucking out the pen anything but disgusting.

    Which is why I did the water while daughter did the mucking out. Then we'd feed her piggie together, making that animal love us both.

    As to the trash cans, imagine there is a rabid raccoon in it every time, and behave appropriately. Boredom exits until you start making 15 foot holes-in-one regularly with the bags of trash.

  3. Open Carry your largest caliber rifle while you do the garbage. pretend it's Mozambique and you just might stumble onto a hippo. pretend the other garbage cans are hippos wallowing in the mud of a near dried waterhole. Don't shoot one unless it's REALLY BIG and COMING YOUR WAY!!

    My neighbor takes the garbage out in his underwear. Tough to get those boxers onto the big blue containers, but he does it.

  4. Yeah, do it the night before. It's what I do and it beats the ever loving crap out of having to rush out there and handle it while also trying to get ready for work.

  5. Every trash day, put something in the bin which represents something you would VERY MUCH want to see crushed in the garbage truck's compactor. Like a picture from the fishwrap of this-or-that politician.

    You can think of the trash bin as a little tumbril.


  6. I always take the trash out the night before. And my wife says I procrastinate. That'll teach her.

  7. staying in pj's longer is always in order. :)

  8. Mine goes out the morning of, at O-dark-thirty, as I leave for work. I try to make enough noise doing it to rouse the dogs and wake the neighbors.

  9. Oh man, Thurs night, all the way. Bring some sort of uber cr123 light and play games with the neighbors while you're at it.

  10. The night before is the SOP around here.

  11. I try to get them out the preceding night. This tends to get put off until o'dark:30, due to lack of memory jogs. Seeing the across street neighbor's bins in the street is the clue.

    The latest annoyance is that the pickup day has been moved to a day earlier, for unspecified reasons. That does NOT help.

    I'm puzzled that the coyote that occasionally sleeps in our backyard hasn't brought her friends along to check out trash night.

  12. Thursday night is Fine Dining Night for all the wild critters around here. D'wife solved the Friday AM trash problem by getting married. For me it's just part of going to work Friday morning.

    That and in the spring, the can usually contains 3-5 squirrels that won't be eating my fruit this year so it's like a New Orleans funeral, slow and sad going out, and happy coming back.

  13. Either the night before, or screwem and stay in the PJs as you wheel it to the curb... :-)

  14. Our neighbors have had bears getting into their garbage and making a mess.

    Of course the collection is usually quite early, and my work schedule keeps me up late and doesn't require me until midday.

    So an early alarm at first-light, and then it is so satisfying to go right back to bed for another couple hours of sleep.

  15. What about bears getting into garbage left out overnight?


  16. I have moved moving the container to the curb the night before - no one in this home generates that much night trash.

  17. Coyotes, raccoons and stray dogs are why I quit taking it out the night before. Finding the trash scattered all over the driveway and yard when leaving for work the next morning broke me of that habit.

  18. The trash man has almost always come by between 0600 and 0700 wherever I've lived, which is way to damn early for me, so I've always taken it out the day before. Never had any stray dogs or racoons get into it, though occasionally windy weather will knock it over.


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