Friday, May 30, 2014

Long hot summer on the way?

So, yesterday those two dudes got all Bonnie & Clyde'd in the car in the alley at 32nd and Graceland.

Then, last night, after reports of shots fired at an apartment complex on the east side, an unmarked ISP car was trailing a suspect vehicle away from the scene when the passenger leaned out the window and lit the cop car up with a rifle, triggering a car chase followed by a bailout and manhunt on foot. (I don't get why the dude tossed the rifle. Did he think the cops chasing him wouldn't notice? That if he didn't have it on his person when he was caught it was, like, "Olly, olly, oxen free!"?)

Then, early this morning, out around 26th and Dearborn, neighbors called the cops with reports of hearing a woman's screams. When the officer rolled up and approached the house, a dude came running out from between the houses, firing at him and hitting him once in the vest before being killed by the officer's return fire. Two dead women were found in the house. Unsurprisingly, the po-po already had an official photo on file of the dead guy.

That's a pretty exciting weeknight in Indy by any measure, and it's just started getting hot. Let's hope this isn't the shape of things to come this summer.


  1. I'm afraid this kind of stuff will soon come to communities that have never seen it before.

  2. I'm afraid this kind of stuff will soon come to communities that have never seen it before.

  3. Usually around our area you can count the number of murders on your fingers each year, even when you add in Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, and Williamsport (still not even half of Indy) but we're off to a good start this summer with a juvenile wanted for questioning in a triple homicide in New Jersey capping a cabbie twice in the head for not taking the route he demanded. The quotes from this piece of human excrement in the article are precious...out of the mouth of babes, indeed.

  4. Glad you clarified it there at the end, otherwise it sounded like a typical night in shytown!

  5. Steve Skubinna9:36 PM, May 30, 2014

    I walked in on my mother watching Cops one day and she was laughing herself silly at some mook, who was explaining to the cop that not only was the marijuana in the car not his, but the car actually belonged to sumdood he met in a bar who asked him to drive it to someplace.

    "Stephen," she said, "these have to be the stupidest criminals in the world!"

    "Mom," I answered, "the smart ones don't end up on Cops." I suppose Professor Moriarty or Khan Noonian Singh is out there somewhere, but you're only going to encounter him on fictional TV. Castle or the guys from Psych will meet up with him.

  6. Dang... Chicago is rubbing off on Indy...

    Dann in Ohio

  7. The car chase link would send any grammar teacher running out of the room. But how does one impale a guardrail?

  8. "Chicago is rubbing off on Indy"?

    Chicago blames a lot on Gary without bothering to look in the mirror.

  9. Based upon having represented thousands of criminally accused people I can confirm that Yes, they do in fact believe that by tossing the item they cannot be found guilty so long as they deny ever having the item, be it a firearm, drugs or the victims iphone and wallet. Every now and then one actually forces the cop to "testilie" in front of a jury and is always amazed that the jury believed the cop who, after all, "can't prove it happened. It's his word against mine!" (As if my average client can testify in his own behalf)

  10. Based upon having represented thousands of criminally accused people I can confirm that Yes, they do in fact believe that by tossing the item they cannot be found guilty so long as they deny ever having the item, be it a firearm, drugs or the victims iphone and wallet. Every now and then one actually forces the cop to "testilie" in front of a jury and is always amazed that the jury believed the cop who, after all, "can't prove it happened. It's his word against mine!" (As if my average client can testify in his own behalf)

  11. We're currently only at 53 murders so far this year in New Orleans, but I'm fairly certain they're cooking the books on the subject.

  12. RevGreg: Wow.

    I suppose some people (and no disdain is meant with this comment, and certainly none towards you in particular) would argue that there's a possibility that while he remains alive, there is some possibility of redemption or some such, but personally I'm thinking that kid is pretty well just gone. I tend to be opposed to the death penalty because I don't trust the government to properly construct a peanut butter sandwich, let alone have the power of life and death, but he doesn't seem to be denying any of the charges, and he's certainly not remorseful. :-/

  13. It might have occurred to him that his chances of being shot on sight would be greatly increased if he had an AR in his hands if the cops caught up with him.

  14. It isn't the number of murders that makes the news media sit up and slaver, it is the quality of the victims.

    Three precious flowers plucked from the garden of academia are worth the entire nation's every-monthly tally, per CNN, because those precious flowers fit a narrative the press wants to promote.

    Sumdood and his partners in local crime will never get the media recognition they deserve nationally, in part because to even mention them Just Not Discussed and doing so marks one as Incorrect, and in part because national reporters would rather interview sorority girls at UC San Diego after a shooting than the women on the street in the bad parts of AnyTown, USA.

    Solving real problems is much harder than telling a compelling story that tugs at the heartstrings.

  15. Like I said yesterday, I think we're gonna have a Bad Summer.

  16. Had a rape in broad daylight during a burglary not too far from here last week. That's pretty rare for around these parts.

  17. You got an active little neighborhood there!

  18. As for tossing the gun - I think that yes, he probably thought that if they didn't catch him with it that he couldn't be charged, but also, one wonders if, once the ammunition was used up, he realized that having the gun was a liability?

    Likely to get him shot on site by any boys in blue that ran him down?

  19. Where the hell do you live, Fallujah?

    Our town hasn't had a killing in DECADES.

    Well, I mean, except for the time last summer that two of Weare NH's Finest decided to conduct an unapproved "drug sting" and ended up assassinating an unarmed man with zero drugs on him.

    Aside from the local Freikorps, though, this place is safe as houses.

  20. "Where the hell do you live..."

    Someplace where I can get good food without having to milk the chickens or plow the goats. :p


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