Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Morbid targets...

Someone left one of those morbid "ghostly anatomy" targets at the range yesterday. Since I forgot mine (which I will not do tomorrow since I have already loaded them in the car) I appropriated the morbid target, which only had a few holes in it, most of which were well off center.

I wasn't shooting for score, anyway, mostly just for function and familiarization...

The little EAA shot fine: That's the first fifty rounds out of it inside that orange ring, a mix of Remington and Winchester budget FMJ from the bottom of my 9mm ammo can. (The head box is the PPX; I'm working on trying to run the light "double-action" trigger faster and running into vertical stringing. None of those gutterballs were mine.)


  1. I'm sorry if I missed earlier reference but which EAA?

  2. I am appropriating the "It was like that when I got here" defense for all of my future flyers. Love it. :)

  3. The early shooter did ok on the head bob right, on target, left to shooter.

    Does appear the earlier shooter was a spray and pray.

    If the center was what you do when you are not trying, you can be on my fire team anytime.

    Not that, given time and distance, their is much chance of that.

  4. If you tried to shoot one of those out here in CA it wouldn't be two min before a SWAT team showed up and had you flat on your face with nice shiny bracelets on your wrists. Idiots....

  5. Nice Left Ventricle Shot!

    That'll do what needs to be done to anybody!

  6. Just out of curiosity,what was the distance?

  7. billf,

    They say it's seven yards. It looks longer, but I haven't had my eyes calibrated lately. It might just because you're shooting downwards towards the close berm.

  8. Doug,

    Then the po-po in Cali need to un-clench.

  9. I believe it was G. Gordon Liddy, in response to a serious question from a caller to his radio show, who infamously pointed out that jack booted, armored thugs (home invaders, ATF, DEA, etc., etc.) breaking into one's domicile should be shot in the head and the groin, because those are weak spots on thugs in armor.

    That said, what is the point of this target with organs delineated, if the target is also wearing body armor?

    And why no helmet? And why the shaved head?

    This is a very odd target.

    I'll stick with Marshmallow Peeps at the outdoor range. More reactive, brightly colored, biodegrade overnight (I suspect raccoons), taste great if I don't shoot them all.

  10. mikee,

    "That said, what is the point of this target with organs delineated, if the target is also wearing body armor?"

    The intent is to make the target as multi-functional as possible.


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