Saturday, May 24, 2014

Off to the range...

As someone shared over on the Book of Face, "If you don't shoot weekly, you'll shoot weakly."

In the meantime, have a picture of a camel giving a classic Schwinn tandem the side-eye:

I have a sudden craving for saganaki.



  1. Riding that is like riding a rubber band, you hope the back passenger doesn't pedal so had they pass you.

  2. Saganaki? I didn't know they had camels in Greece.

  3. Having worked for the original Schwinn back in my high school dayz, I can vouch that the derailleur-equipped tandem was actually pretty rare and expensive for their model lineup. Nice photo catch!

  4. I once saw a tandem with grind-pegs. Wanted, though I could not tell you why.


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