Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Overheard in the Hallway...

RX: "What's the high temperature supposed to be today?"

Me: "82, 84... something like that."

RX: "Wow."

Me: "It is almost Memorial Day. The weatherman was all excited about the temperature. They always seem surprised when summer comes back around every year."

RX: "Well, their technology is primitive. They always figure that once Fenris wolf eats the sun every year, then that's it."


  1. To be fair, I don't even believe in Fenris and I'm always surprised when summer comes back, too. I suppose it would be even more shocking if you had what you considered a plausible reason it might not.

  2. Wasn't there a Calvin & Hobbes strip about that?

  3. Well, ever since Harold Camping predicted the day of Ragnarok incorrectly, I've been a little less worried.

  4. Thought they stood in the middle of a circle of Tall Stones and looked for a Shaft of Light to hit a spot. Must have been mistaken.

    Of course, since ALL Weather is now caused by Man-Made Global Warming, I guess there's no need to figure out when Summer Starts anymore. After all, we're Trapped in a 365 day Boiling Hot Box according to them.

    Sure glad I won't have to shovel snow anymore.

  5. I actually know some folks employed by TeeVee news, and there is a real shock to some of 'em when the sun comes up.

    You gotta understand that most of the talking heads on TeeVee are libtards and can't remember what they did earlier today. For them no matter how often they've done a thing, it is always the first time, every time. Always new, fresh, and exciting.

  6. Must sacrifice much grant money to tenured professors to make sun come back.

  7. Steve Skubinna6:15 PM, May 21, 2014

    Man, they've been predicting global warming for how many years, and when it comes they're astonished? Wait a few months and watch their heads explode when temps start falling again.

  8. "For them no matter how often they've done a thing, it is always the first time, every time. Always new, fresh, and exciting."

    Douglas Adams once described sheep the same way.

    OTOH, after the winter we just had, _I'm_ a little startled to be getting short-sleeve-no-jacket temperatures. And a lot happy.

  9. I'd LOVE to have a job where if I got it right 50% of the time I'd be considered good... sigh

  10. We're lucky they're not making sacrifices to the Aztec pantheon to renew the sun.

  11. As a St. Louis native and current SE Arizona resident, it's the timing of the end of summer that often catches me by surprise....


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