Friday, May 09, 2014

QotD: Money Where Your Mouth Is Edition...

International Lord of Hate, Larry Correia, on the celebrity selfies that are... I dunno, supposed to melt the hearts of barbarian slavers and make them give up their captives? Or something? ...anyhow, Larry offers a more, er, practical suggestion:
(I)f your selective outrage is really up in arms about this one, movie stars with the hash tag, I’ve got a simple solution for you. Take some of your millions of dollars and hire some mercenaries to go into Africa to shoot all the members of Boko Haram. I wonder how that would trend on Twitter. #gurkhaskillscumbags


  1. That's almost good enough to get me to join Twitter. Almost.

  2. Hipster Obamakids at Benghazi:

    "Dude! Where's my airstrike? It's getting intense here!

  3. Works for me, if you walk slow enuf for my out of shape ass to keep up, I am in.

  4. Just finished Dead Six. I think Swords of Exodus will get me caught up on his books.

    If there is an effective slavery rescue organization I would be happy to contribute. If it got the Larry Correia stamp of approval, that would carry quite a bit of weight with me.

  5. Hey, I'm in for some of that action. I do not like killers, rapists or slavers and Boko Haram is a three for.

  6. If the state department didn't think of it, expect to be charged as a war criminal. And don't think the media would miss the horribly racist aspect of a bunch of white people going to Africa to Trayvon a local youth group.

    Chris, David Burge is reason enough to join Twitter. Not to mention Tam.

  7. I probably have a couple of cases of .308 for the FAL and I have some khaki shorts. Don't expect me to run anywhere and I'll put in for my vacation time at work.

  8. Rabbit: Our anti-piracy Safari package may be more to your liking!

    It also includes a great scuba/snorkeling program afterward.

  9. I had an American 15 year old runaway in my court the other day, she's been run as a prostitute in America to American perverts for a year.

    Where's her twitter campaign?

  10. The Modern Dangerous Game Safari! What are the rules on exporting trophies?

  11. staghounds has a point. We should probably shoot those guys, too, just to be sure.

  12. Don,

    I wouldn't get too kneejerk with anything staghounds says.

    Roll it around in your head some and assume it's not written by some bumper-sticker-pilosophizin' idjit. ;)

  13. ref: Staghounds comment, I first thought all those selfies the self-righteous SJWs were posting were, in fact, aimed at the domestic sex trade.

    ref: the anti-piracy Safari package and stuff, as I said on Facespace, for all practical purposes terrorists=pirates=slavers.

    According to some reports, SOCOM is, on fact, in Nigeria working this, along with SAS and whatever the Frog equivalent is.

  14. Sean Penn looks more and more pathetic all the time.

    He would look perfectly natural with a

    anything will help
    God Bless"


    Except we know he doesn't believe in God. So, I guess his sign would end with "Hugo lives."

  15. Boco Harum... didn't Robin Trower used to play with those guys?

  16. meh. i'm retired now, so i could use something to spend my time on. shooting slavers is an old and honorable occupation.

  17. @staghounds - Unfortunately, the same place the Twitter campaign to increase awareness and support for foster car and child services in this country, that might have helped her and millions like her - Nowhere. It breaks my heart, it really does.

    While I do love me some Larry C. I don't think running a whack-a-doodle company that is out eliminating African slave traders is high on my list. We got other problems, ya know?

    Alas, the idiots in charge will ring their hands, post on their Twitter accounts, scream about how we have to "do something!", make a task force, and continue to do nothing of merit.


  18. DW Drag: The frogs are working on this?

    OK then.

  19. Re - The Frogs.

    I will stand second to no one in my contempt for the Frogs.

    But, please remember that they do a habit of actually sending in people to kill other people, regularly.

    The primary reason is probably when they have to send their very best, they don't send Frogs.

    They send the Foreign Legion, and by law, the enlisted men CANNOT be French.

    The officers must be, and interestingly enough to me, the Legion seems to get the very best products of the Frog West Point.

  20. Headlines you'll never read:

    Pouty Justin Timberlake strikes fear in Boco Harum.


  21. There's a novel in here somewhere - a kickstarter-like site set up by a team of pragmatic yet noble mercenaries to crowd fund their missions of justice. Taking out thugs, warlords and slavers based on a community funding their actions. In bit coin, natch.

  22. @Reno Sepulveda: Apparently some did, in fact, think Procul Harum was involved...

    @Anon 9:57: While The Law may say Frenchmen can't enlist in The Legion, there are more "French Canadians" and "Francophone Belgians and Swiss" in The Legion than there are French Canadians and Francophone Belgians and Swiss.
    Also, Working with the French Army | chrishernandezauthor

  23. I'd chip in on that Kickstarter. Thing about the # pics (and announcing we are sending troops) is that too many in Government (at all levels anymore) would rather look like they are doing something than actually do something. Doing take effort and sometimes courage. Looking like you are doing something requires neither.

  24. Steve Skubinna4:13 PM, May 10, 2014

    When working at the federal Courts I actually bookmarked the FFL website. Yeah, of course they have one.

    That was yet another sign that I was not going to be retiring from the judiciary. So I went back to DoD.

  25. Where is Bryan Mills when you need him?

  26. Best friend said the same thing the other day about pompous windbags should hire take care of the problem.

  27. @Anon 9:57:

    French soldiers aren't generally cowards - probably less so than most nations. French company and field grade officers aren;t cowards, either.

    French politicians (which includes a lot of their flag officers, as it does in most militaries) are frequently moral cowards, however.

    The Legion gets used, because politically, it's OK, whereas sending "French boys" (i.e., the non-Legion guys with FAMAS rifles) is a real political mightmare -- the Legion is there to be used. Officially, Legionnaires are expendable furriners (even though there is evidence that at least a plurality, if not an outright majority, of Legionnaires are actually French citizens). Not dear, sweet Pierre, the baker's boy from down the road.

    "You have joined the Legion to die, and the Legion will send you where you can die.


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