Thursday, June 26, 2014

And now, a word from our sponsors...

That's what it's all about, right there, folks. All of this lineage of technology, from Alexander Graham Bell to Tim Berners-Lee, was for the purpose of bringing you this video on how to use opossums to detect extraterrestrials trying to control your brain.

How perfectly Dada.


  1. What the hell did I just watch?! I can't tell if she's a complete kook, or making fun of the complete kooks.

    I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

  2. Hey! Isn't that the Prancercize lady?

  3. That was an unexpected dirty trick,Tam.You owe me 3 minutes and 46 seconds of my life back.

  4. Almost-

  5. My first thought was that it looked a lot like San Fran Nan, but this woman was clearly too level-headed.

  6. Joe, she's not the Prancercize woman, but she has a whole bunch of possum videos, including "Prancercize for Possums."

  7. Holy crap. Now I'm wondering what the color of the sky is in my world. What the $*!@& was that?

    You found Just what are you doing with that computer, Tam?

  8. I have never seen a possum react to an alien in my home state of North Carolina, and I have seen enough possums to know that had there been aliens around, the possums I saw could not have avoided detection of them.

    Therefore, there are no aliens to worry about.

    Still have possums to worry about. Nasty teeth on those things.

  9. Possums are wearing sweaters now?

  10. Smart enough to detect aliens but not to stay out of the damn road?

    Some people have WAAAYYYY too much time on their hands.....

  11. Y'know, I've met an unhappy possum. It seemed more unhappy than that one. Really, there was no problem interpreting its unhappiness at all.

    I think aliens are controlling that lady's brain.

  12. A Fish!

    Lex Luthier

  13. WTF?????????????????

  14. I like possum.Preferably with dumplings.

    No, possum does not taste like chicken. They are a bit greasy though.

  15. I'd encountered one of her videos before, and somehow managed to forget it. Almost.
    I vote for "having fun pretending to be a kook." After all, being a kook can be a hoot, especially if you don't have to live that way all the time.
    Alternatively: she's not the crazy one. It's the dead squirrel she channels that's crazy.

  16. I found a possum checking for aliens in my barn the other night. All this time I thought they were just there to eat the barn cats food.

    I guess the skunk was checking for Bigfoots.


  17. Dafuq? Did you just point me at an entire YT channel dedicated to possums and ghost squirrels?

  18. Damn, now I have to stop shooting those suckers in my backyard and breeding them for alien detection. I kind of think we might have a lot more aliens in Texas now than ever before.

  19. The only time I've seen a possum in daytime was along the roadside, and usually about 1/2 inch thick.

  20. This is as good a time as any to ask, "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

  21. Windy Wilson- To get the hell away from crazy possum lady.

  22. That video would have made my day if I weren't having a pretty good one already.

    Thanks, Tam!


  23. No! To show the 'possum it could be done.

  24. I dream of a society where a chicken (or possum) can cross the road without having its motives questioned.

  25. If possums were psychic, you'd think they'd know not to cross the road when a car is approaching.

    "Oooh, my Possum-Sense™ is tingling! There's danger ahead! Better get off this road!", said no possum, ever.

  26. I've loved her possum videos since they first came out. Of course, I had a pet possum as a kid...


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