Saturday, June 14, 2014


So, I was in a splendid mood last night. Good weather this weekend. Plans. Stuff to do today and tomorrow. Chattin' away with some friends on the intertubes, when...

I snapped the crown off an incisor biting into pizza.

Festive. Just what I needed. The timing almost literally could not have been worse.



  1. Oh damn... How long before it can be fixed?

  2. Those class rings will get you every time.

  3. That is such a crappy, oh sh*t feeling. I am so sorry you had that screw up your great evening and the time it takes to repair.

  4. There's never a good time for that sort of thing.

  5. What in the hell was in that pizza?

    Did you recover the debris responsible?

  6. Ah, dental work: the reason that North Carolinians serve their barbecue chopped instead of sliced. ;)

  7. Ow... I cracked a bicuspid Tuesday evening. Eating a hamburger.

    So, hamburgers and pizza. Watch out for them.

  8. I believe that you are supposed to cook the pizza first. :D

  9. I manage rental properties. There is one that has the bad habit of backing up the main sewer line into the first floor, usually the day after Christmas at 11:00pm or a similarly inconvenient moment.

    Timing in life has a way of really sucking sometimes.

    You have my sympathies on the broken tooth, and the warning that it could have been worse, it could have involved raw sewage.

  10. Similar thing happened to my cousin, chipped a tooth while eating popcorn. Visited the pharmacy and found a "tooth repair kit", which apparently consisted mostly of Super Glue. He did the repair and promptly forgot about it...for about 6 months, when it broke again, while eating popcorn. Had it fixed professionally that time.

  11. I empathize. I am facing a root canal on Wednesday.

  12. Hope it was good pizza. Nothing makes that worse than if you were eating a cheap frozen pizza.

  13. Ayup, first thing.

  14. I could say "that bites" but that would be a really bad pun. Sorry that it happened though and we'll do our Girls Day out another day soon. . just get feeling better.

  15. Wait until your dentist tells you what your options are, and what they will cost.

  16. Wait until your dentist tells you what your options are, and what they will cost.

  17. I'm sorry to hear about this. Isn't it a law of the universe that dental work breaks just before your dentist takes off for three days? I really hate to hear about people's dental problems.

    And Mikee, my Mom's kitchen drain would invariably slow to nothing on Thanksgiving and Christmas. It became one of the holiday traditions until I took the sink trap off, put a brass plug into the drain where it went into the wall, and climbed on the roof with a garden hose to chase the gunk down through the system,using the various clean-outs. I was then the drain fanatic forbidding grease in the drain. It was very effective. "You want to pour that in the drain? Fine, you climb on the roof with the garden hose, I'll man the faucet.

  18. Musta been made of Dwarf Dough, Just kidding. That sucks. Hoep to never have that feeling. PSP

  19. At least you were chewing on something tasty when it happened; my most recent OhDammit! happened when I was chowing down on Something Healthy.

    The only good part was there was absolutely no physical pain involved until it could be worked on. Hope yours is the same.

  20. Sorry for your misfortune. Even with a really good dentist, it's tough on the old outlook and the old wallet.

  21. You broke a tooth on pizza?

    You have special powers/are a delicate flower.


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