Thursday, June 12, 2014

Going Rogue...

My baby dwarven rogue, chillin' in an Ironforge bar...
A large portion of my World of Warcrack experience thus far has been with the two classes where I've worked a character from 0 to level 90: A hunter and a monk. This rogue is different and a lot of fun.

There's a typical quest type that I've always found vexing and annoying: You'll be in some remote village or outpost and the local honcho will complain that the surrounding area is beset by (monsters/bandits/fiends from the nether hells) and they're led by The Big Baddie who is sure to be lurking in yon (cave/abandoned mine/ancient tunnel system) and would you please go kill him? In return, we'll give you some cash and these fabulous magic sandals!

With the hunter, who uses a bow or a gun and has a handy pet companion, this means shooting your way in, moving from position to position, with your trusty velociraptor or panther or giant crab or whatever moving ahead of you and tying up the baddies in fisticuffs while you shoot them off him. Then, after you get to the bottom of the caverns and whack the Big Baddie, as often as not you have to shoot your way back out past the monsters that have re-spawned in the wake of your slow advance.

With the monk, it takes just as long, but you have less time to bathe in the tedium, since you're more or less engaged in a constant flurry of punching, kicking, and whacking guys over the head with a bo staff, all the way down to the Big Baddie, counting on your self-healing mojo to keep you from turning up half-dead on his doorstep.

Ah, but with the rogue? With the rogue you just go into stealth, stroll down the tunnels right past all his minions, walk up behind Mr. Big Baddie, cosh him over the noggin, empty his pockets, do a squillion burst damage points in a sudden backstab, re-stealth yourself, and walk back out to collect your paycheck. Easy peasy and let's go save the next village.

I am enjoying this immensely.


  1. I cancelled when pandaria came out. The endgame content was boring and taking a toll. How's the new xpac looking? Casual friendly?

  2. I never played WoW (had friends that shielded me) but I do play other class-based games. It's surprising how much choosing a new class changes the entire way you play the game. After weeks of slogging, I'm all "Holy Crap! This is fun again!"

    Do you play FPS's? If so, have you ever played Borderlands? Not for everyone, but the irreverent humor is right up my alley.

  3. Chris,

    I've warmed up to the Pandaria content, actually. (I joined right before it dropped and thought it was silly at first.)

    Lotsa side stories to get all wrapped up in.

  4. Yeah..well its all fun and games until you get DOT'tted , Cloak of Shadows is on cooldown, you've got five mobs beating on you, and you suddenly realize your crowd control skills are nil.

  5. ...and then at endgame you get to top the dps meter while everybody else stares slackjawed, and listen to your wife stammer "How many mitigation cooldowns do you HAVE?!" when she tries one and-- well maybe not so much that second one, but it's still addictive as all get-out, ain't it? :D

  6. I get the same king of thing in Star Trek Online cruising around in a ship that can cloak. The 'adventure zone' in the Dyson sphere gives you a lot of auto-generated quests to pick up a MacGuffin and drop it off somewhere. When you get within a certain distance of the target zone, a bunch of enemy ships 'decloak' (i.e. spawn right in front of you) and this is supposed to provide the speedbump of the mission to justify the time expenditure vs reward points ratio. If you're cloaked... you just cruise right by them at Full Impulse. They'll despawn in a few minutes.

    At a certain point, all MMOs turn into the same game with a different skin on it: Get PLOT_TOKEN_1 from QUEST_SPAWNER, take to NPC_2, get PLOT_TOKEN_2, rinse, repeat times N, get L33T_L3WT_SPAWN.

  7. Hunters can ghetto stealth now too you know and deterrence, disengage, and FD are all great for running away while your pet ghost hydra occupies your pursuers.

    Oh you don't have a ghost hydra?

    - wodun

  8. I ran a rogue as my main from vanilla all the way through Wrath of the Lich King, then I played the Death Knight and never looked back.
    He just...won't...die....
    My record is 24 mobs at once but that was a while back.

  9. I never played WoW. I was a City of Heroes guy, myself.

    I found it hilarious how scrappers could leave a trail of carnage in their wake that other archetypes (classes) couldn't dream of.

  10. I exclusively play rogues in nethack!

    It's like WOW without all those pesky graphics!

  11. I exclusively play rogues in nethack!

    It's like WOW without all those pesky graphics!

  12. I'm still going to beat yer ass, Stingray ... my monk needs more gear ...

  13. Have you finished your homework, young lady?

  14. Then you try the druid, and find that a kitty can do the same thing the rogue can, plus you can go bear when sneaking won't do. Did I mention healing inbetween?

  15. tweell,

    I've got a druid up into the low 40s, but she and I just aren't clicking yet. :(


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