Friday, June 06, 2014


...they played a snippet of Brian Williams' interview with President Obama that's supposed to air tonight. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Obama reflected on his own connection to D-Day. Apparently some uncle's nephew's cousin's brother's best friend served in the ETO.

I realize that one needs to be an iron tower of ego to even apply for the job in the first place, but damn! Talk about wanting needing to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral. Sometimes you just have to stare in slack-jawed amazement as you realize "This guy has absolutely no clue how full of himself he sounds to normal people."


  1. *nods* I've seen that time and time again in the headlines at Breitbart and The Daily Caller: Obama commemorates ______ with picture of himself, such as when he noted the death of Neil Armstrong by posting a photo of himself staring at the moon.

  2. The closest this guy ever came to dealing with WW2 was when he took a School Field Trip down to the U.S.S. Arizona.

    And even then, he probably didn't "Get It."

  3. "Perhaps unsurprisingly, Obama reflected on his own connection to D-Day. Apparently some uncle's nephew's cousin's brother's best friend served in the ETO."

    Is that the uncle who liberated Auschwitz?

  4. Funny, I was watching Reagan's speech a bit ago at Point du Hoc on the 40th Anniversary of the invasion and thinking about how much he didn't talk about himself.

  5. Maybe BHO is the reincarnation of Charles DE Gaulle. The egos are the same size.


    1. Le Grand Charles had a big ego, but he had class, brains, was a decent soldier, brave and a modest man in personal life. ( no, really) comparing him to Obama is like comparing a Great Dane to a psycho

  6. No clue.
    AND HE DOESN'T CARE he has no clue!


  7. No Charles DE Gaulle's ego was as big as France, The Narcissist in Chief's ego knows no boundaries at all.

  8. In a rational, parallel universe their BHO is confined to a rubber room and is heavily dosed with Thorazine to control his ego-maniacal tendencies.

  9. DeGaulle at least had a record of achievement.

  10. My grandparents had on their entrance hallway wall an aerial photo of a military cemetery in Europe - I've never known where, exactly - that was all they had, other than a faded Purple Heart in their dresser, to remind them of the son they lost in the Battle of the Bulge.

    The image of the thousands of stone crosses covering the field was both a horrible memorial to all those individual young lives lost, and a wonderfully unifying image stating quietly but forcefully that my grandparents were not alone in their grief.

    My mother, sister to the dead soldier, never spoke of it and removed that photo immediately after my grandfather's death. I've never had to ask her why.

  11. I'm more interested in seeing what picture of himself he'll Tweet to commemorate the landings.

  12. Steve Skubinna said...
    I'm more interested in seeing what picture of himself he'll Tweet to commemorate the landings.

    A photoshop of him in a Higgins boat in full WWII battle equipment. Including a Thompson.

  13. No matter how hard he tried or what his skills and virtues may have been, a 20 year old Barack Obama would never have been allowed to land with American soldiers on D-Day.

  14. Robert Fowler -

    And he'll be holding aloft Osama bin Laden's head.

  15. staghounds said... "No matter how hard he tried or what his skills and virtues may have been, a 20 year old Barack Obama would never have been allowed to land with American soldiers on D-Day. "

    Why. It wouldn't have been cause he was black.

    "The 320th Antiaircraft Balloon Battalion (VLA) (denoting Very Low Altitude) was the only Black combat unit to take part in the initial D-Day landing on the Normandy coast on June 6, 1944."

  16. Apparently, video of the commemoration ceremony shows HIMBHO chewing gum the whole time...

  17. My high school principal in the 1970s served in a Graves Registration unit in WWII.

    He was on the Normandy beach starting on day 3, and his all-black unit had the horrible task of clearing the beach of the soldiers who died there.

    I once saw this man backhand a fellow student of mine across the main school office, bouncing the youth off the wall and into a heap on the floor. The young African American had used the N-word on old Pop, and Pop did not like that.

  18. Ancient Woodsman7:44 PM, June 06, 2014

    Maybe it's time to start a whole line of jokes - "Obama is SO full of himself..." along the lines of the very old saws that start, "Yo mama is so fat..."

    The possibilities - like the bounds of his ego - are endless.

  19. Thank you Robert, I stand corrected0 didn't know that.

    Of course the USN had colored messmen, and the RN black sailors too.

  20. Ignored the speech, ignored the interview to... That whole BP thing...

  21. Incidentally Staghounds, it was Democrat progressive icon Woodrow Wilson who resegregated the military. Somehow that never gets brought up today.

  22. I think what you meant to say, is he wants to be the corps at every funeral...

  23. Oh I knew that, I'm an inherited Wilson hater.

    Although to be fair he didn't resegregate the services, they were segregated before he took office. He DID increase segregation in the Civil Service and decrease the number of black people in patronage and appointed positions.

  24. Obama has no clue how full of himself he sounds to normal people, simply because he doesn't associate with any normal people. The staffers with whom he surrounds himself are all brown-nosing yes-men, and his fans in Hollywood and in the news media are themselves a bunch of egotists who think that narcissism and self-indulgence are perfectly normal behavior.


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