Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Three yards and a cloud of dust.

Michiganders continue to move the gun rights ball downfield a bill (or two) at a time.

Meanwhile, in Illinois, a freshly-minted CCW'er gets started on his box o' holsters.

Do you know your state legislators? If you're a Hoosier, you can find out here.


  1. Speaking of holsters, do you have one for the PPX? I imagine not since you're not carrying it, but if I end up getting one for carry I will have to look at that.

  2. When I moved to Michigan years ago, there was a requirement that immigrants who owned pistols had to take them to the local Police Department to have them "inspected for safety".

    The Fosbery and Schwarzlose defeated them entirely.

  3. I got inside, I got outside, now I am having a look at vertical shoulder rigs...Oh noes!

  4. The best part of the "safety inspection" was the registration card they gave you flat out said that it was nothing more than a cursory inspection and should not be given any weight. Why Johnny Law needed make, model, and serial number for said inspection was beyond me. The state is now more honest and simply calls it what it always was, registration.

  5. Tam: Thank you for the link.

    staghounds: Yep, that requirement still stands. For more fun on a continual basis, when you have a C&R FFL and buy a pistol on it, to register it you have to list yourself as both the seller and purchaser...that makes the local PD's front desk person's head explode.

    Stan: Did you ever ask them "Is it safe?". The reaction to that was fun, especially when the front desk person had no clue how to clear it or not point it at the other cadet's head while checking the serial number. At least now it's called a Pistol Sales Record.

  6. I wondered why the pageviews tripled yesterday . . .


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