Sunday, June 01, 2014

What's the area code for 1994?

"We can't stop here! This is soybean country!"
Lotta windshield time today.

Sometimes I wish I could pass the road time by dialing the younger me that was sitting there sweating half to death behind the gun shop counter in the summer of 1994...

'94 Me: "So... whatcha doin' there in the future?"

'14 Me: "Huh? Well, today I drove the BMW roadster up to Sand Burr Gun Ranch and just, you know, hung out with Mas Ayoob and shot T&E guns with other people's ammo, the way one does on the weekends."

'94 Me: "No, seriously."

'14 Me: "Livin' the dream, kiddo. Don't forget to work on your apostrophes."

The 320 shot nicely, but oh that slide stop.


  1. "Pardon me, but would you have any Black Talon"

    Stress on the second syllable, of course.

  2. Buy Apple Computer, no not apples, Apple Computing. No, not Mackintoshes.. actual - yes...

    Oh, the hell with it: buy 22LR. LOTS!

  3. And while you are visiting 1994, please bring me back a 3000 round steel crate of South African .308 NATO.

  4. Glad you got the chance to go have fun! :-)

  5. The prices one must pay to be internet famous...

  6. Some days are good days. That sounds like a pretty nice dream to be livin'.

  7. 1994 me: "What do you mean you haven't finished that project yet???"

    2014 me: ...

  8. 1994. That was the year I decided I was OK with the thought of getting married (but we didn't marry until the end of '95).

    All these years later I wonder what I was so afraid of.

  9. Same problem as with the SigPro?

  10. Buy stock in what you know.
    Check out what Sturm, Ruger & Company stock has done since 2008.
    Ruger introduced the .380 LCP at the 2008 SHOT show and investors may have noticed.

  11. Tam, check your email. Found a S&W Rope Gun, available for acquisition.

    Thought you might wanna know 'bout it.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  12. So, when and where will we have the privilege of reading your review on the P320?

  13. Don't let anyone's jealousy spoil it, you deserve it! 1994 spent a lot of time at USENET and then landed the job at StarSight. Good tiimes.


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