Thursday, June 05, 2014

Words Have Meanings.

For almost thirteen years I have been told by my government that we were fighting terrorists and "illegal combatants". Now I've got Jay Carney, outgoing Mouth of Sauron, referring to Bergdahl as a "prisoner of war". I didn't know terrorists took those; I thought they had "hostages"? I'm glad to see I'm not the only person left scratching their head over this bit of semantic legerdemain.

As an aside, Mr. Carney, now that you're leaving, I'm going to go ahead and say what everybody's been thinking during your tenure: Permanent Babyface shouldn't be a disqualifier for many jobs, but White House Spokesdrone is definitely one of them. It takes all the gravitas out of a situation when news of national or international import is being delivered by someone who looks like they're going to suddenly start making excuses for a missing homework assignment.


  1. JohninMd.(HELP?!??)8:24 AM, June 05, 2014

    Bu..bu..but Tam, I thought he WAS making excuses for lost homework! Not to mention gun running, lies, usurpation of power, destruction of a semi-viable medical system, etc, etc.......

  2. Let me see if I understand.

    We go to war in Afghanistan to kill and capture terrrists responsible for 9/11.

    We spend billions and billions, and it costs us thousands in lives and permanently wounded/never to be the same again youngins.

    We kill some terrrrists, and capture five of the top terrrrrrists.

    We then turn around and trade the 5 top terrrrrists that cost of billions of dollars and many lives and limbs for ....... A deserter and possible traitor?

    This has got to be one of the greatest jokes ever perpetrated upon the American people. The whole point and reason for the Afghanistan has been turned upside down and the billions and the lives spent to capture these terrists were then given over right in front of the faces of the people that were told this war is the good war, the war we must fight and win.

    The only thing that would make this even a bigger farce would be if we had traded Osama bin Laden for the deserter.

    "Your" country thinks your lives and money are a complete joke.

    Obama smirk during the father's opening muslim prayer in the rose garden press conference for the win.

  3. I respectfully disagree Tam.
    A baby face is the best thing for a professional liar to have. There are lots of baby faced con men.

    Worked wonders for George Stepawhateverhisnameisolpolis and got him a gig on ABC

    I know he lying but just look how cute he is!, said the soccer mom voters.


  4. I think Jay's baby face is a feature, not a bug.

    Rich in NC

  5. If the Low Information Voter, like my Leftist brother and his Stalinist wife even are aware of this, it's a case of "Good, we got an American soldier who was prisoner for five years back, and NOW the evil Republicans are complaining about THAT.
    The best possible outcome for this mess is the equivalent of trading General Von Arnim, General Cruwell, and the three other highest ranking German Generals captured in Tunisia for Sad Sack who was a waist gunner in a B-17, who didn't even become Sergeant until after he went over the hill.

  6. Windy Wilson,

    "If the Low Information Voter, like my Leftist brother and his Stalinist wife even are aware of this, it's a case of "Good, we got an American soldier who was prisoner for five years back, and NOW the evil Republicans are complaining about THAT."

    Googling around the 'net, that is exactly what's happening. Which is amusing, because one of the people on the Hill who is yelling the loudest is that well-known GOP Teabagger Diane Feinstein. ;)

  7. If the Berghdal was a POW and not a hostage arent the Gitmo detainees really POWS and have protection under the Geneva convention? Dont we have to release them to their country?

  8. Anon 11:12
    You are right.

    We should release them at the end of hostilities. Not before.


  9. A POW held by anyone but the US is allowed to be treated in any way from beheading to real torture (broken limbs, starvation, regular beatings), as in Vietnam, without repercussions to those among the opposition (not enemy) camp who violate any rules in so doing.

    An illegal combatant, who in previous wars would be shot out of hand upon capture by three privates led by a sergeant, is now housed by the US better than most criminals, and looks forward not to war crimes trials but an eventual return to the jihad of killing the unfaithful (i.e., mostly women and children) back home.

    Carney should have his mouth washed out with a howitzer round.

  10. Tam said...
    one of the people on the Hill who is yelling the loudest is that well-known GOP Teabagger Diane Feinstein.

    Bend a knee and pray,the end is near.

  11. Best line I read about Jay Carney leaving was from Jonah Goldberg at NRO. "Did we hear this from Jay Carney, or is it from a reliable source?"


  12. We should release them @ 10,000 feet and 300 knots.

  13. Let's be honest. It seems like he's giving excuses for late homework because that's the general level of quality for the lies this administration keeps telling is.

    The dog ate your tax money.
    I was sick, I can't possibly know anything about all those guns in Mexico.
    But everybody else is slashing carbon emissions.

    And so on.

  14. Must agree with other commenters. As with most/all administrations, and especially the current one, I figured that "making excuses for a missing homework assignment."
    was in the basic job description.

  15. There can't be any "Prisoners of War" in the strict sense of the Third Geneva Convention in this case, since the Taliban are not a High Contracting Power; the Convention doesn't apply.

    In normal language, outside the legal meaning under the Convention, US troops captured by them certainly can be.

    (If we took the Convention to apply as a courtesy, as is traditional between Regular Armies even if one nation is not a Contracting Power, captured Taliban still wouldn't qualify, as they're un-uniformed irregulars who often don't bear arms openly, and who have no traditional command structure.

    Equally, in the "courtesy" case of applying the Convention where it's not strictly applicable, US prisoners would be Prisoners of War because they do wear uniforms, carry arms openly, and have a traditional command structure.)

  16. "Best line I read about Jay Carney leaving was from Jonah Goldberg at NRO. "Did we hear this from Jay Carney, or is it from a reliable source?""

    The announcement was made by Teh iWon, so you tell me.

  17. Reading Ace of Spades HQ, it appears to be lies and smears all the way across and down.

    At this point, the Taliban is a more reliable source than the Administration.

  18. Jay Carney's greatest attribute is that he made me miss Robert Gibbs whom I despised.

  19. There's no shortage of fresh faced lightweights to replace him. And given the disregard for truth and general fecklessness of this administration we really don't want anyone with any gravitas in that position. Even Baghdad Bob would be too much of a heavyweight.

    I think the "Dude, that was, like, two years ago" guy would be the perfect replacement.


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