Thursday, July 10, 2014

A new mouthpiece...

Well, John Walsh does have a lot of credibility with the Ma & Pa Kettle set who watch America's Most Wanted*, a demographic that probably didn't have much truck with Piers Morgan 'cause he talked funny like a foreigner.

It's pretty obvious that John is one of those who hold the belief that having a family member killed is basically the same as having a law degree or a graduate degree in CJ when it comes to understanding the criminal and legal climate in America.

And then there's this old saw:
Walsh said the NRA is so deeply in the pocket of the gun industry that “they're not a lobbyist on Capitol Hill, they're a gun manufacturer rep.” He also said Vice President Joe Biden recently agreed with him that politicians are “scared s—less” of the NRA.
It's amazing that the absolutely AstroTurf gun control movement clings to this myth about the NRA, a member-driven organization. Does it make them feel better about being bankrolled entirely by a couple-few jillionaires, if they can imagine their political opponents as being bankrolled by evil big companies?

Don't anybody ever point out to these people how small the gun industry actually is**.

*I'm not making any accusations, but when all the commercials are for laxatives, term life insurance, and medical alert pendants, it says something about the target audience.
 **If Bloomberg were serious about shutting down the gun industry, he could probably just buy most of it out of pocket change and do as he wished with it. But he's not; he just wants his name in lights.


  1. Your second footnote was so true, it was engraved in gold-pressed latinum.

  2. having a family member killed is basically the same as having a law degree or a graduate degree in CJ

    Dang. My cousin murdered my uncle. I ID'd the body. That should be good for a judgeship.

  3. I wonder how much the job pays - and whose account the money comes from.


  4. And, of course, HE'S a gun owner!

    Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!

  5. No pejorative "lobby" terms for the AARP, AMA, ABA, or NEA for some dd reason.

    I wish my google fu were good enough that I could search the NYT for what word is #4 to precede "lobby" in its articles.

    I figure gun and hotel are first and second, followed by paneled.

  6. Oops, right now Hobby is skewing things.

  7. Gun, prayer, Indian, and Israel/Zionist are it for '14.

  8. Bloomie has $33 billion under his control. Sturm Ruger is worth $1.1 billion or so, and there are about 100 other companies in the US making guns, most far smaller than Ruger.

    Bloomie could indeed become the Bunker Hunt of the firearms industry, were he willing to put all his money where his mouth is.

  9. Mr. Walsh's ego seems to have grown by leaps and bounds over the years.

    The last couple of years on AMW,
    you would have thought he personally caught every mope that was apprehended. It went from we have to catch this person to I have to catch them.

    And yes, I watched it from time to time. It was an easy way to keep up with friends and relatives until Facebook came along.


  10. "**If Bloomberg was serious about shutting down the gun industry, he could probably just buy most of it out of pocket change and do as he wished with it. But he's not; he just wants his name in lights."

    Yes, he could. But then I'm thinkin' he'd be struck with the capitalist urge to make money from them. So there wouldn't be a lot of changes made. Well, except for his tendency to micromanage insignificant details.

    "No pejorative "lobby" terms for the AARP, AMA, ABA, or NEA for some dd reason."

    Nor for "Illegal Everytown Mayors Demanding Action From Gun Safety Mothers" either I'm afraid. This must be corrected.

  11. AMW is still on?

    Thought "So You think You can Dance with the Stars of the Bachelorette Chef" had bumped it from the time slot.

    Which just goes to show where America's Head is really at, at least in the minds of the Networks.

    Which tells me that Mr. Walsh's time is about up, and he's looking for a new gig.

  12. No pejorative "lobby" terms for the AARP, AMA, ABA, or NEA for some dd reason.

    My favorite is to point out to people that AARP is "the old people lobby", and "a special interest".

    That one never gets old.

    Because it's absolutely true.

  13. Both John Walsh and Joe Biden are morons, but I repeat myself.

  14. Problem with rich antis buying and shutting down the industry is our country is still mostly free despite all the encroachments of the past century or so.

    New companies would spring up to fill the void unless the government stopped issuing manufacturing FFLs at the same time. If that were to happen then we'd be much further down the road to living a Matt Bracken novel.

  15. So the NRA is the gun companies?

    Walsh is aware that those companies make their money by selling *new* guns. And that NICS already applied to all new gun sales?

    Remember when the Electronic Arts lobbied retain the statutory advantage the used video game market had over the new game market?

    As for Bloomberg's intent... that he's bragged about how his gun control has bought him a place in heaven and that he's utterly unwilling to be a silent funder shows his ego's in the driver's seat.

  16. Dave In Indiana6:04 PM, July 10, 2014

    I'm willing to bet that if you rooted through Walsh's or any of his like minded ilks sock drawers you'd find a pea shooter hidden under a pair of skid marked undies.

    These guys remind me of Larry and his brothers Darrel and Darrel's business venture "Anything for a buck".

  17. To be all contrarian, I don't know about Bloomberg but if there's such a place Walsh is going to heaven. No telling how many lives and suffering he saved through the years with AMW.

    Way wrong on this issue, but credit where it's due.

  18. Well, Biden just convinced me to throw another $35 bucks in the mail to Fairfax. Just because.
    I'll still be throwing way more than that at JPFO.


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