Sunday, July 20, 2014

Gratuitous Gun Pr0n #98...

 I needed this picture where I could link it elsewhere. Don't mind me. Carry on.

FN FNS-9 with, um, slightly carried away stippling job. It's like every time the guy got to a border, he didn't like the way it looked, and so he'd stipple a little more until he'd eventually stippled the whole frame.
FNS-9 fits RCS Phantom for M&P 9 like it was made for it.


  1. I rate that right up there with the pistolsmiths who are machining cocking serrations along the entire outer surface of the slide.

  2. Is that a steel or a plastic frame?

  3. Quote: "I rate that right up there with the pistolsmiths who are machining cocking serrations along the entire outer surface of the slide."

    Well, to be fair, at least those have a function even if they would rarely (if ever) be taken advantage of. If you ever needed to rack your slide one-handed it would make it easier to do it against your clothing or gear (more relevant if you're a High-Speed Low-Drag "Operator" who goes on to discuss what equipment you need for your "mission").

    This stippling job, on the other hand...

    I mean, he even stippled the freaking dust cover, which one would never have any reason to hold onto.

    Nice piece apart from that, though. I need to get my rear end out of MA and move to the United States so I can have more than 5 models of pistol to choose from.

  4. I'm finding that is the common issue with my new FN FNX: "What holster comes close to fitting this damned thing?".


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