Friday, July 25, 2014

Neat Stuff


  1. I have some 2" bright orange sticky dots, sold for labeling yard sale items and such; I put them in the center of paper targets. I buy them by the roll, cheap and effective. Bad guys don't come with orange dots, though.

  2. Thank you for posting the herd immunity link, interesting and I learned some things.

  3. I learned archery the old-fashioned way using a recurve bow with no sights. The instruction I received was 'pick out a hair on the deer and aim for that hair'. Following that my aim improved considerably. The next instruction was 'now pick out a hair over the buck's heart'.


  4. "see the spot, hit the spot" or "aim small, hit small."

    Before I had read either of these aphorisms, I experienced them first hand. While practicing instinctive archery, at 25-30 yards I would regularly group the arrows in about an 18 inch circle on a 30 inch round mat, with no actual target or bulls eye. Then I found out about blunts (the arrow points, not the smokes) and started stump shooting. To my amazement, I was able shrink my group size to about 4 inches just by aiming at a specific small point, such as a leaf or irregularity in the tree bark. I was good out to 30+ yards (no sights, 60lb recurve). Typically, my first shot would be very close the point of aim and the second shot would be within an inch or two of the first.

  5. Re: spot shooting...I thought EVERYONE did that!



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