Monday, July 14, 2014

Ruined in a day...

Had an errand to run out west at Premier Arms, and on the way back I stopped to walk around Holliday Park...

Ironically, Indy's semi-famous fake ruins are in danger of becoming real ones...


  1. always the case. We had a park in our neighborhood that had older equipment in it, think early 60's. We had to petition parks and rec to get it updated. Wife went around to close houses getting signatures the park was in use.

    Now we have a spiffy modern park that kids can play in and not get hurt.

    Also some shrubbery that obscured a portion of the park was removed and now the park is no longer visited by the night life.

    They can always find money to build something, not so much for maintenance.

  2. Looks like the site of an Obama rally.

  3. Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!

  4. Having recently installed the new betterer, larger reloading bench I'm contemplating the purchase of a new Dillon 550. That way I can have ease of changing calibers, with one set up for small primers and one for large, and I can contribute more heavily to Mike Dillon's Italian villa.

  5. This is a city park, yes? If so, what's with the Help signs? Public Officials pocketing too much of the taxes, or misappropriating them? Through "legal" votes of the Council/Commission, no doubt. Seems as if the City hasn't really changed all that much since I lived there in the previous century. It's a wonder Indy the City allows lawful ownership, much less carry, of weapons of political defiance. One would think they might worry about their "legal" shenanigans being questioned . . . vigorously.

  6. CarlS,

    I'm absolutely okay with the budget being slashed in areas like upkeep of fake ruin sculptures in city parks. If the denizens of the northwest side want to keep our folly, we can by god put some cash in the tip jar (you'll note that the shadowy "Friends of Holliday Park" is matching individual donations up to $150,000.)

    Of my beefs with the Ballard administration, few of them involve excessive fiscal profligacy. I may not make use of the city's sportsball temples, but I won't argue that they bring in more revenue to local coffers than the fake ruins of Holliday Park.

  7. I taught my toddlers that a voluptuous, happy, hand-waving nude in Baltimore's BMA sculpture garden was actually an artistic rendering of their mother, Nancy. They would wave and holler, "Hi, Mom!" whenever we walked past the statue, to the confusion of other visitors.

    This long con lasted about a year before my wife, who was a medical resident at the time, could visit the sculpture garden with us. She was delighted at the artistic homage to herself and the kids' cultural mis-orientation.

    The last thing the kids would ever do, however, was climb on their mom's statue or any of her friends. Although my toddler son did try diving into the water feature there once.

    1. Dude, that is terrific. I try to step-parent like Calvin's dad.


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