Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Speaking of the shirt-pocket camera...

Walking the bikes across the Indiana Avenue bridge over Fall Creek, I noticed activity on the water below and somewhat upstream:
What was making those ripples in the polluted creek?
I utilized the new camera's improved zoom capabilities over my previous shirt pocket camera:
Jellicoe was about to cross Scheer's T!


  1. Handy for spotting rogue anacondas (anacondi? anacondae?) as well.

  2. There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ducks today.

  3. "There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today"

  4. So, is a flock of geese in the water a flotilla?

    Great picture, by the way. Small digital cameras nowadays are pretty amazing.

  5. It speaks volumes about me that the Jellicoe/ Scheer comment gave me one of the biggest belly laughs I've had in this month.

    Jutland, for the win! Kinda.

  6. Which one is Togo and which one Rozhestvensky?

    And how did you manage to catch the scene without all of the obscuring coal smoke?

    Lex Luthor

  7. Wow, I'm amazed at how many people got the Jutland reference and knew what Beatty said. The only people I know who know about it are all Brits who learn about it in primary school.

    So you see geese swimming and a WWI sea battle pops into your mind, Tam? Conversations with you must take interesting leaps between topics.


  8. Al_in_Ottawa,

    "So you see geese swimming and a WWI sea battle pops into your mind, Tam?"

    Wait, doesn't everybody? :D

  9. The famous Battle of Duckland?

  10. That has to be the Von Der Tann in the front!


  11. Brilliant Tam, simply brilliant.

  12. Tam, it reminded me of flying over the Ungava peninsula in the summer. From 1,000ft up the ground looked grey-brown and it seemed to ripple like water.The ripples were the geese moving as they reacted to our airplane. I later learned the estimated goose population was 8 million on the peninsula that summer. They were literally so thick you couldn't see the grass.

    The average person I work with has three main conversational topics; the weather, what was on TV last night and how well the Senators (the NHL team) are doing. I overheard a couple of the ladies in purchasing discussing MH17; one was unaware that there was civil war in the Ukraine.

    When I visit your website, I never know what the topic will be which is refreshing.


  13. "Mach' dich Gefechtsquackwendung im funf...vier...drei..."

  14. I love tracking down your obscure references. Second hit on "scheer jellicoe" was wikipedia's article. I had heard of Jutland but had no idea what it was.
    You have broadened my knowledge from antique pistols to military history to rap music parodies.

    Thank you.

  15. Well, one theory about Tam's obscure references is that Tam is an extraordinarily well-read woman with a great and eclectic mind.

    The other theory is that two-thirds of the references can be explained by a bookcase containing all the published Avalon Hill titles ... ;-)

  16. Awesome. Canadian Ships of the Line!


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