Sunday, August 10, 2014

1934 Allis-Chalmers Model WC

This is an "unstyled" WC, before Allis-Chalmers hired Brooks Stevens to sexy up the looks of their farm implements.
The cockpit defines "spartan accommodations".


  1. Better get some Oliver green up there pretty quick. What kind of state fair doesn't have Olivers????


  2. The Jeep Wagoneer, the Weinermobile, and the essential Harley-Davidson? My hat's off to you, Mr. Brooks.

    Thanks, Tam - love those little tidbits, especially the ones of which I was ignorant.

  3. A few WCs still operate around here, mostly as yard tractors for moving snow.

    Some guys hated them for the off-center steering and seat --"side assers."

  4. Ours was a war-time styled tank version. Hand brakes, mystery gear pattern on the transmission, magneto ignition and personification of the expression "Is tractor. Is dangerous."

    I wish we still had it.

  5. Just noticed they have the traditional tin can over the exhaust. When I was a kid I liked to start the engine with the can in place and see how high you could shoot it.

  6. @TJ, didn't you see the Oliver 2 rows behind the AC-WC?


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