Tuesday, August 05, 2014


James Brady is dead, and they're using his still-cooling corpse as a collection plate.

Politicking does tend to plumb the Marianas Trench of class.


  1. The term Full Wellstone comes to mind. It's just what they do.

    Drive on it don't mean nothin'

  2. It's okay, Sarah needs a new wardrobe for the funeral.

  3. Meh. They feed off of death. This time, it just happens to be own of their own. Frankly,I'd be surprised if they didn't do something like this.

  4. Well, Sarah Brady made her MILLIONS by using James as a pull toy she would drag around town to "fund raisers". Now that that is going to be more difficult, look for the "brady campaign" to sell off about 30,000 oz. of his "remains" as souvenirs.

  5. 1. May he RIP;
    2. May his widow get a real job, such as cleaning toilets

    Ulises from CA

  6. I've always had one unanswered question: Was James Brady carrying a pistol when he was shot?
    The only footage I've seen of the attack was very grainy, But there seems to be a large metallic object near Brady's head, near his outstretched hand, after he's shot. I've always wondered what it was.


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