Saturday, August 23, 2014


I was on the radio yesterday. It was harrowing for my introverted self, because it combined two things on which I'm borderline phobic: Talking on the Telephone, and Talking to a Bunch of People.

I think it's somewhere around the 1:20 mark.


  1. It was well done. You should have your own show. Base it on your "overheard in the office" posts :)

  2. Well done. I agree with Fuzzy Curmudgeon. It would be better than the podcasts I listen to now, except maybe Michael Bane.

  3. Which video?

    The one on the page you linked was apparently not the one you called into.

  4. Found it:

  5. Kristophr,

    Top one in the left sidebar. (And they called me. If they'd been waiting on me to call, I'd still be hovering over the phone in indecision.)

  6. It's at 1:21:21 ... an hour and 21 minutes into the show. The whole thing is almost three hours! (2:57:14)

  7. Good interview, and good points, but just a touch disappointing: part of me -- not a big part, but there -- was hoping you'd sound just like Heather Gummer.

  8. Well done miss.


  9. Odd. For someone who claims introversion, you do have a way of expressing yourself well.

    A few months ago, I was at a gun show talking with a young female vendor who claimed relative ignorance of the trade, but expressed willingness to learn. I recommended that she read View From The Porch because of your experience in the trade and your ability to impart your observations in an entertaining and informative manner. I called it the School of Tam.

  10. I liked it. You were coherent, you didn't stammer. You didn't make the mistake of making some kind of noise just to stay on air, and the pacing was good. I can't comment on facebook, but I'm glad you posted here so I could say good job.


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