Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Speak softly and carry a 3-wood."

Savages gonna savage.


  1. Of course not... THAT would upset his base...

  2. He didn't get that Nobel for nothing...

  3. I'm not your typical reactionary that thinks we should get our war on at every little slight. At all. In fact, the last war we got involved in that we had any business being involved in was the one against japan, in my book.

    But if you want to make a case for korea, nam, Afghanistan and gulf 1 I'm willing to listen, for sure.

    But even my pacifist as thinks beheading an American on TV and threatening to do another one if we don't comply with their demands is a clear cut causus belli and I would whole heartedly support a campaign designed to ruin ISIS in whatever horrible way imaginable.

  4. Goober:

    If punishing barbarians for affronts against citizen's is not the state's job, then what is it useful for?

  5. Damn.
    You hit that one out of the park.
    Your winning of internet today will be announced at a specially called White House Press Conference.
    Presentation will be in the Rose Garden.

  6. Wow, these Isis guys don't really need any dehumanizing to want to go fight them, do they?

  7. Winchester?!?
    I have no knowledge of this rifle!

    You will.

  8. But HE did kill Bin laden. Don't believe? Just ask him, he'll tell you so.

  9. Time to dust off the Warthogs. There's nothing like a metric shit load of 30mm to make a point.

  10. Hell, there's a friggin' carrier group in range, has been for weeks, with all the associated aircraft and methods of converting targets to mulch; if he actually wanted to DO anything he already would have.

    But that would make Valerie Jarret and his sympathies for islam sad, so he won't.

  11. JFM, Nope, ISIS/ISIL/IS/Those Thugs are doing jobs Americans won't do nowadays.

  12. docjim505 said...

    " He didn't get that Nobel for nothing..."

    Actually, yes he did.

  13. I still say the command "PREPARE TO STORM THE PALACE!" should be given more often...


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