Saturday, August 02, 2014

The Temperance folks took another hit...

...since, as Bobbi mentioned, this will be the first Indiana State Fair with alcohol sales since 1948, albeit in a very limited fashion. Indiana craft breweries and wineries will be selling their Hoosier Booze by the (small) glass inside one pavilion, with a strict three glass limit. Even this met with vocal criticism from some parties.

Of course, where there's booze, the booze cops follow:
Indiana State Excise Police had a more sensibly-painted Winnebago than the Marion County DPS. It'd probably get stuffy in the parking lot of football games in Bloomington otherwise.
Indiana: Home of Booze Regulation Dissociative Identity Disorder. You can buy a bottle of Jack Daniels at Walgreens here with less hassle than a box of Sudafed, but the Dixie cups of beer at the State Fair are more tightly controlled than weapons-grade uranium.


  1. As with gov'ts everywhere, it's all about CONTROL!


  2. Try getting a drink at the bar in a Masonic Lodge in Indiana sometime. Oh, wait. You can't. But you can step out and down the street to the nearby pub after a meeting, and you'll find all the temperance dudes hoisting a cold one.

    For an organization that began 300 years ago in the public houses in England, that's pretty sad.

  3. Here in fly-high-over country AKA Colorado, the Arapahoe County Fair has a Pot Pavilion for the over 21s. There are said to be numerous pot themed exhibits and contests including a joint rolling contest using a substitute material. Perhaps because the real stuff is spendy. The pot authorities (!) are still working out regulations, standards, and labeling requirements. It is about control, but it's also about a tax level sufficient to maintain the traditional trade patterns.

  4. They still have Free Masons?

  5. They got Mason everything. We have a Masonic biker gang* here.

    *They prefer to be called "Widows Sons Motorcycle Club."

  6. They should let the IMPD handle this. They are the alcohol experts.

  7. Kristoph, that's right!

    The caption for the picture could be, "Don't touch that, kid, this is ALCOHOL here!"


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