Overheard in the Office...
RX: "...and you didn't move the quilt from the washer to the dryer. But I did, for I am awesome."
Me: "Oh, yeah? Well, I moved it from the living room floor to the washer in the first place!"
RX: "Anybody could have done that. I wiped the cat hork off of it."
Me: "Well, I got the cat that horked on in the first place."
RX: "I don't see what that has to do with..."
Me: "You wouldn't have been able to wipe up any cat hork if I hadn't bought the cat that horked..."
RX: "One does not buy cats!"
Me: "Okay, '...if I hadn't ransomed the cat that horked in the first place.'"
RX: "One does occasionally have to ransom cats."