Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fight Crime, Shoot Back

Remember Papa Roux, the east side Indianapolis Cajun joint that made headlines after a recent robbery by offering discounts to customers who could show a valid toter's permit?

Well, the owner just took the next logical step:
Papa Roux employees spent Sunday in the classroom at the Eagle Creek Firearms Training Facility. The firearms safety course was taught by Guy Relford, attorney and President of Tactical Firearms Training.
"With the increased awareness of the violence and just the fact that I am encouraging responsible responses to it, I figured the entire crew of Papa Roux should probably receive firearms safety training, including when and how to get involved, but more importantly when and how to not get involved," said Papa Roux Owner Art Bouvier.
I've taken Guy's classroom lecture on Indiana firearms and self-defense law, and recommend it whole-heartedly.

(Incidentally, Guy Relford will be doing his radio talk show from our showroom at Indy Arms this Saturday afternoon.)