Wednesday, January 06, 2016

From An Away Game...

From a discussion elsewhere...
Just yesterday at work I had a guy in there who was suffering from analysis paralysis. You get 'em every now and again; they've decided to buy a gun and because they're analytical people, they researched the topic as best they could on the internet, and now they're wandering from showcase to showcase holding the P07 and the P250 and the used Glock 19 and wondering if strikers are safe enough or hammers are better and which feels best in their hand and...

Sometimes, like yesterday, I wind up blurting out "You say you don't even know how to shoot a pistol at all and you're sitting here worried about certain details of the trigger pull and how the gun sits in your hand and hammers and strikers and what you read on the internet and it's all just bunk. How the gun feels in your hand, unloaded and not shooting and standing at the display counter, has nothing to do with how well you're going to shoot the gun. That can only be measured with scoring rings and a timer.

Look, we don't carry junk brands of guns here. The fact of the matter is that we could pull five guns at random out of these showcases, stuff 'em in a pillowcase, give it a spin, and if you reached in there, grabbed one out at random, took the little two-hour basic handgun class from our trainer, bought a case of ammo and really applied yourself to shooting the thing and regular dry-fire practice, you will be lights out with it unless you're just completely physically inept.
Part of the reason I wear my gun burka at work is because of this type of customer: I don't want what's on my hip to further complicate their decision-making process.