Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Politics: Squeamish about the strangest things...

Let me get this straight: They can't send Morales to his final reward because a couple of anesthesiologists are worried that they might have to administer a second dose of the sedative to put him under for good?

Tell you what, Arnie; you spring for my airfare, and I'll give him the same sedative he used on his seventeen year-old victim: Twenty-something doses of Estwingazine, administered cranially.

God, people, all this hand-wringing over a monster...


  1. What the hell ever happened to a nice clean, cheap rope or firing squad, anyway?

  2. The most humane thing is still, in my opinion, one well aimed rifle shot.

    Of course, pshrinks will tell you that it causes undue psychological damage and yada yada, never remembering this person is being put to death for a reason. Sheesh.

  3. I think mayhaps they should auction off the chance to do him in however you like. Must be humane, but messy is also encouraged.

    The proceeds go to public awareness and the victim's family.

  4. I am beside myself that this POS is still breathing.


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