Friday, March 03, 2006

Blog Stuff: Well, at least he knows I'm that way in real life now...

So, as Lumpy's shindig was getting cranked up at the Armory yesterday, I flagged him down to let him know I was attempting to liveblog it.

Lumpy: "Oh, is that your blog? Neat."

Me: "I don't know how much attention it'll draw, but I do get a few hundred hits every day. I even got some good linky-love from that pinko liberal Michael Silence the other day."

Lumpy (looking over my shoulder): "Hi, Michael!"

Mr. Silence: "I've been called worse."

Me: "..." [scurry off and try to look busy while blushing furiously]

Talk about your impeccable timing; if my life was a sitcom, the canned laughter would have been played right then.

To his credit, Michael was charming and affable, and didn't hit me or challenge me to a duel or anything. Thanks for that. ;)


  1. Heh...

    The look on your face must have been priceless...

  2. All I could do was sit there behind the counter and snicker, while Tam's face turned a nice shade of crimson.

    Oh! the times I wish I had a camcorder..

  3. Wonderful! The duel was a no-go from the start...tradition is that the challangee gets to choose weapons. He's sure you wouldn't have chosen sledgehammers in five feet of Lake Ponchartrain.


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