Thursday, June 15, 2006

Blog Stuff: This 'n' That...

Kate Moss will not be charged for stuffing diet aids up her nose.

Has anybody been paying attention to the little tagline space way down at the bottom of the page? I've been trying to keep it rotated with fresh, funny stuff.

We had a second sendoff for Alston last night; dinner at the local Outback. (Although there was no alcohol-fueled tapdancing at this one.) Hard to believe he's really leaving.


  1. Hey, it's the feast of Corpus Christi and the company's closed tomorrow. I ain't got no choice. :-)

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  3. I hate to see Alston go. He was always helpful when I had AR-15 noob questions for him. You guys are losing a hell of a good employee.

  4. I never noticed it... I'd say put in the page title, if you can. Ravenwood does that, and I've been known to hit "Refresh" repeatedly to chuckle at them. I love the Dr. Strangelove one: "You can't fight in here; This is the war room!"

  5. tagline? what tagline? I only read down till I've read everything new.

  6. Alston's going? Give us the other three W's.

  7. Arrg! I didn't know the taglines are constantly changing. My post was in reply to the tagline that said something like, 'Get back up and go to work, slacker!'. ;-)

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  9. "Alston's going? Give us the other three W's."

    In two hours he'll be walking out of CCA for the last time. He's moving to NH to be near his family.

  10. I noticed, and the little orange box to the right too, although I only pop in to leave my pearls of snark.


    RSS readers, I love mine.

  11. Shoot, that's too bad. I didn't know him beyond talking to him in the store and going out for beers a couple times, but I always liked him.


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