Thursday, September 07, 2006

Blog Stuff: I have obviously missed the boat...


...and I got two thousand hits in one day for nowt but some lousy bikini pictures?!? I obviously need to rethink my strategy. (...although not breaking out into a raucous, hooting bout of laughter while trying to grope myself in time to a Dubya speech would be a Sisyphean task...)

(H/T to PDB and his obviously selfless dedication to scanning the daily... er,... political news.)


  1. Yannow, the audio track doesn't have to be recorded at the same time as the video...

    ...just trying to be helpful.

  2. I like your blog just fine, Tam. Some of us guys are married and don't *want* to see that sort of thing outside our own bedrooms. :-)

  3. This is one of my favorite blogs because of the intelligence and humor. Pretty girls in bikinis are easy to find, if that's all that interests a person.

  4. Paul and BobG,

    Grow a set already!

    Boobs and news ROCKS!!!

    That link was genius!!


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