Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Books: It's gonna be a long night...

My downstairs neighbours dropped by the shop today bearing a little brown cardboard box plastered with the logo. I bounced up and down like a schoolgirl, realizing that my copy of Domestic Enemies by Matt Bracken had arrived.

I got home after work, settled in on the porch, popped open a beer, lit my citronella candle, and cracked the covers. It's now quarter to midnight, I'm one hundred and fifty three pages in, and sleep is nowhere on the horizon.

I'd type more, but I gotta get back to the book.

Review to follow...


  1. Tam,

    Seems you had a serious jones for DE.

    You may need professional help as it seems you were mainlining it last night.

    150 pages, Yikes.

  2. And when she says she bounced up and down like a schoolgirl, she wasn't kidding..


  3. Adam,

    Since you work with her, do you think you could get some footage of that kind of thing.

    I'm just sure it's hilarious.

    Besides, it'd be good blackmail material, kinda like a certain photo that we're not suppose to say anything about. ;)

  4. "Since you work with her, do you think you could get some footage of that kind of thing."

    The bouncing up and down part? That sounds interesting...
    (As he ducks)

  5. Adam, starving college student that he is, magnanimously considered your offers today, musing aloud "You know, I have a cell phone in my pocket that shoots pictures..."

    I responded "You know, I have a Springfield Pro on my hip that shoots people..."

    I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that footage.



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