Friday, September 15, 2006

*&$%# Blogger...

Sorry for the seemingly narcissistic post; just needed a place to park a copy of this image online where Blogger could find it so I could use it in my profile...
Photo by Oleg Volk.


  1. And men of all ages rejoice...

  2. It does have a somewhat ghostly look, but those eyes, those eyes... :-)

  3. Tam,
    Go ahead and be as narcisstic as you want, we will just have to suffer....


  4. Dump blogger. Buy a domain name (cheap at and I'll set you up a hosting place on my server. No charge.


  5. Tam, I have to ask, what holster are you wearing your 1911 in? I am in the market for new leather for both my beautiful wife and myself, and anything that looks as though it can hide a 1911 so well on your shapely form should do wonders for her and work well with my weeble-wobblesque physique.

  6. Mmm...hawt chix w/guns....

  7. Or get a dreamhost account, use the self-referal code to get your first year of hosting and domain for like $25.

    Then do their one-click blog package install. I "re-did" my site in about 15 minutes.

    Then you could have a real email address, too. :-)

  8. Now that is a fashion statement I like!

  9. I didn't wait for your whole page to load, so I didn't see if it reached your profile...Blogger has somehow made it impossible to hotlink your own pictures from your blog. All the pics in my template are on ImageShack or my private website. Good luck.

  10. I liked the one that wasn't touched up better. The one with the "farmers tan".

  11. oops...guess i was wrong about that.

  12. Yeah, hot chick with a couple of guns...don't get much sexier than that!

  13. " Tam, I have to ask, what holster are you wearing your 1911 in?"

    That's a Galco Royal Guard. :)

  14. Y'all can park images like that any place you please without apology! ;)

  15. Um, I was going to post a one-word comment, but I just noticed the word verification that pretty much sums it up:


    coincidence, or psychic phenomenon?

  16. And the hell of it is that picture really sucks. Tam is way better looking in person. :) Smack Oleg for me will you?

  17. I mean this in the nicest possible way, but the other rifle was MUCH sexier....

  18. What does that hat say?

    (I would guess CCA for the store....)

  19. Count me among the low tech C&R Tam pic fans too. Although this 'un would have me loading magazines for you!

  20. Glad that blogger sucks like that. One more chance to see those eyes. Can't believe blogger doesn't give you a place to park your photos. Even Typepad provides that.


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