Thursday, September 14, 2006

Irony Alert:

Courtesy of SayUncle, we get a link to an editorial at the Texas Tech daily rag where one Chris Kellerman, with the always-amazing ingenuousness of youth, argues for the repeal of the Second Amendment by throwing out the following line:
The founders are treated like prophets and the Constitution like the Bible. I am so tired of it! People throw quotes from Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin into political debates with me all the time, and I want to hit them in the face.
Let me clue you in on something, Chris; the threat of being punched in the face by strange young men with violent urges is what causes some folks to carry guns. You might want to re-think your phrasing there, sport.


  1. Gods.

    This is the quality of writing (and thought) which college students get away with these days? Sheesh. I've had the unhappy experience of looking over some ranting I did in my mid-20s, and while I was pretty...uhm...over-the-top...I never descended to that level of inchoate anger. "Oooo! This makes me SO MAD!!!" is not a reason to do anything, least of all gut the Constitution. (And, yo, the gun deaths to the number of guns, and you'll probably find that guns are pretty darn safe after all, esp. compared to, say, automobiles.)

    Or swimming pools.

    I just did some math.

    There are 7.1 million swimming pools in the US, and roughly 700 drownings in them each year. That means 0.04% of swimming pools kill.

    There are some 150 million guns in the US, and (allegedly) 30,000 deaths due to gun. This means 0.02% of guns kill.

    Swimming pools are twice as deadly as guns.

  2. "...and I want to hit them in the face."

    But won't, because you're a semiliterate, passive-aggressive douche bag that undoubtedly overestimates your IQ by a solid 40 points.

  3. Yeah, forget those dumb ol' founding fathers and follow someone up with the times! Like Karl Marx. Just like all the other up-to-date, with-it, reasonable (statist) people do.


  4. Approximately some 13,000 homicides via firearms. The remainder are suicides. (Courtesy the Center of Disease Control)

    Ah, well. This immature creature would probably scoff at the concept of insurance for any sort of potential problem...

    A gun is nothing but a form of insurance against an improbable event. Improbable doesn't equate to never.


  5. I'll have to bug my brother-in-law about this one. He's on faculty at TTU. He teaches some high-level math though, so he can disclaim any responsibility for this sort of thinking.

  6. Tried leaving a comment on the Kellerman story page and it would not accept it.

    Probably too chicken shit to face the music.

  7. You know, I find it interesting that, in an age when American pseudo-intellectuals are embracing Marxist views (just like the morons in Ayn Rand's works), Russian intellectuals are studying Kant.


  8. Poor Chris doesn't understand why people keep bringing up the Constitution in discussions about politics.

    In other news, Chris is also perplexed when people insist on bringing God into discussions about religion, jobs into discussions about the economy, and engines into discussions about cars.

  9. People throw quotes from Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin into political debates with me all the time, and I want to hit them in the face. Probably so angered because he has to *dodge* the sharp and angular quotes that they throw like rocks, man, and he can't let go of the bong - if he puts it down he'll forget where he left it...

  10. Elmo's aphasiatic twin got too it before me....

    The kid sounds like every liberal/progressive/moonbat who ever whined about the adults being in charge.

    Like, like, man, they're so old, like, an', white, an' they drove horses man, an' like, they weren't cool. Like. Man. Like.

    Anybody hungry?

  11. Eeeeeyeah....

    Last time I was out in West Texas, folks didn't take much to gettin' punched in the face by little whiny punk kids.

    Most other places I've been to don't have folks who like it much, either.

    Tam, you summed up the real adult West Texas response prety succinctly. He won't be punching any faces outside of his dorm suite and live to punch again.
    TTU went to hell when it went co-ed. He's proof.


  12. Personally, I'd love for this twit to hit me in the face. It would give me just enough excuse to use my bare hands on him.

    Bare knuckles brawling is my favorite form of exercise, right after lifting weights.

    preparation for the unlikeliest of events...

  13. "Personally, I'd love for this twit to hit me in the face. It would give me just enough excuse to use my bare hands on him."

    I'd be torn. On the one hand, nothing says fun like stomping the ever-loving snot out of some mother pus bucket who so richly deserves it. Him getting the first shot means it's entirely self-defense.

    On the other hand, how much damage can a limp-wrist do? Take a few punches, then file assault charges and watch as he gets a felony record.

    Then, when he's out of jail and the ass-stretch-o-matic, you hit him with a civil suit. Sure, you won't get too much from his McJob at Starbucks, but every month he'll have to cut you a check that will serve as a reminder of his foolishness.

    And then, when the civil suit is played out, give him the beating of a lifetime...

  14. jayg, ingenious. However, I can make a case in court with medical experts that a blow to my head would be considered by any reasonable person to be life threatening or leading to grave bodily injury. Think I'd just pour some chlorine in the gene pool. Imagine his expression...

  15. I personally know the author of this article and I believe he was using a term called 'hyperbole' and another called 'humor.'

    Do I agree with him at all? Absolutely not. Do I think that the thing to be focused upon is that he said, tongue-in-cheek, that he wanted to punch someone in the face? Absolutely not.

    'Local dialect' is another phrase I'd like to throw in here. Did it occur to you that this, perhaps, is something said in a localized area, in a totally non-threatening way? When ole Chris and I hand out and I tell a stupid story, it's suffix is always either 'then I punched him in the face' or 'then I moved to Canada.' It's non-sensical and means absolutely nothing, really.

    I'm a raging conservative who is a friend of this raging (pro-life) liberal. It seems as though you all hang out in your conservative meccas and don't put your ideas to the test. Dissent is good. Ad hominem attacks are fallacies that make you look like a phallus (ooh, clever little play on words there).

  16. Anon,

    Calling me a conservative is almost as bad as calling me a liberal.

    If someone wants to call me names, that's one thing, but the threat of physical violence, or even the initiation of the idea of infringing my rights, makes my blood boil.

    It is indeed a shame that we hear of fatal shootings from across the country, almost daily. They are truly senseless, but the product your friend is trying to sell has no value, and is sophmoric in its understanding of the situation. In this, liberals need to take a bit of their own medicine, and learn to look at the big picture.

    Actions, even words, have consequences. I suggest that your friend doesn't forget that.


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