Sunday, November 26, 2006

Blog Stuff: Free to good home.

*Snrrff* "Hnnh?!"

I awaken to a cat trying to eat my hair. As I sit up, I get the distinctly weird sensation of a couple of strands tugging free from a now-panicking feline's gullet.

"Hmmmph? Whazzit? Whattimeisit?"

Crud! The alarm clock is blinking; the power must've flickered last night. I pad over to the trusty PC and give the mouse a jiggle to wake it up. Seven o'clock.

Hey, I don't have to leave for work 'til 9:30! I have time for (drumroll, please) an actual sit-down bath! With bubbles 'n' stuff! Humming cheerfully, I toddle towards the bathroom. Unship the shower curtain, deploy the fluffy bath rug, get the water running, find the drainplug...

Find the drainplug...

Oh, crud.

Apparently one of the cats, and I'm not naming names since I didn't actually see it happen, but anyway, apparently Random Numbers, during her last game of Bathtub Thunderdome, felt that once she had vanquished the drainplug, the logical thing to do would be to drag its corpse off to someplace where it could be devoured at leisure, the way a leopard tows an impala up a tree. This resulted in a towel-clad, agitated Tamara searching known kitty lairs on her hands and knees with a SureFire flashlight in darkened house. No joy.

I will not be denied my bubble bath, however. Like they say, "Necessity is a mother_", and a plastic grocery sack, wadded up into a really small ball, makes an excellent ersatz drainplug.

All's well as ends well, I suppose, but Random Numbers must still sense mommy's displeasure, as she's still only peeking out from under the futon with a weather eye. Anyone want a cat? On rice, with gravy?


  1. At first I planned to send the following link as humor. Then I read the stuff there, and it was just interesting. Then kind of grisly. I don't advocate sending family members (no matter how irritating) to the following people:

  2. Aww, kitten tikka masala.

  3. This is one of the reasons why I hate cats.

    Not only do they lick the butter and p00p
    behind the couch, they also steal your
    stuff. Get a dog.

    Just think, your place will no longer smell like "Eau De Catbox" and there won't be any more interrupted bubble baths.

    How cool izzat?

  4. Sorry, can't resist.

    "This resulted in a towel-clad, agitated Tamara searching known kitty lairs on her hands and knees"

    This blog useless without pictures.

    (bad typing fingers, bad!)

  5. I think it's more a case of old age, I mean, maturity on Tamara's part. Probably took the drain plug out and used it to cap off a rifle barrel or sommat, then forget where she left it.

    ....Did I just type that out loud?

  6. On rice with gravy? Nawww. I'm thinking my labs would prefer it grilled butter.

    Pretty much all they're good for ;P

  7. I have 6. This is sufficient for all cat-related needs. In addition, one of the local strays is quite convinced she deserves an upgrade to 'housecat', but that's how the last two snuck in. No more!

  8. You know, hair won't digest because it is pure protein. My dog somehow ingests my hair on occasion, resulting in what I fondly think of as "dangler" when exiting the other end. Maybe it's best that it gets coughed back up. But again, why do they eat it? I don't get it.

  9. This resulted in a towel-clad, agitated Tamara searching known kitty lairs on her hands and knees with a SureFire flashlight in darkened house. No joy.

    Well, no joy for you, maybe.


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