Sunday, December 03, 2006

Apparently I have the gift of prophecy...

I say "Will we see a soft B&W macro closeup of Sam's eye?", and Shazam!


I need to use this power wisely, of course.


Will we see a nekkid Russell Crowe show up on my doorstep with the winning Powerball ticket and the keys to a Ferrari Enzo?

Stay tuned.


  1. Zomg, you could make money.

    However, there is the obligatory pro bono work.

    Please telleth me, O Wise Tamara, will my business idea of producing and selling Ninja Essence in an aerosol can make me any money?

  2. 1 of the 3, maybe.

    Uh, maybe not.

    But Eye did take your advice...

  3. Dude(tte)...

    He's present! :O

    Yes, I'm hyper ATM. Don't ask me why.

  4. Tam,
    I knew you were ultracool, and powerful. I just didn't know the true extent of your powers!!!

    Have you been stalking CM?

  5. joseph,
    How many ninjas do you have to squeeze per bottle of essence, or do you just submerge them in vodka for a couple of weeks to draw off the essence??

  6. One ninja per can. Problem is, I'll need a bit of capital, since I'll need ninjas to catch ninjas.

  7. A Dino would be cooler. A more traditional ride, and maybe cheaper. Might need some work, though.

  8. Getting the work done on the Dino shouldn't be a problem if, as ordered, George is holding the winning Power Ball ticket.

    Pretty cool of you to post here, Chris. Keep up the good work and don't hold back on the bikini shots, either.

    Come to think of it, you could probably put together a helluva calendar yourself. Just give me the PayPal ID and I'll put in the first order.

  9. Darth Tamara, your command of the Force is considerable!


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