Sunday, December 03, 2006

News Flash: Bikini sighting in Qatar.

DOHA, Qatar (AP) -- When Salim Al-Nabit and his friends went to see beach volleyball for the first time, they left their wives home.

Al-Nabit said he would watch the bikini-clad women, but he certainly wouldn't want his wife to do so.
Well that's just about bass-ackwards, isn't it? What the heck do you care if she sees a bikini? And aren't you a little afraid the sight of more than three square inches of female skin will drive the crowd in the bleachers mad with lust, leaving males in helpless thrall to their baser instincts? That is what your mullahs keep telling us, after all, when they're playing the multiculti defense card trying to get their co-religionists off rape charges in western countries.
"It's not good," said Parvana Khoory, who watched from the almost-empty stands around the 1,500-seat center court dressed in black from head to toe. "We want a woman to cover all of her body. I think this discourages Muslim women from playing this sport."
Rumor has it that the Saudis did attempt to field a team, but the burkha-clad duo was stomped in the opening rounds by the Japanese, one of the pair having to be carried from the sand when she was blindsided on her veiled noggin by a particularly vicious spike...

("Why Tamara, you certainly seem to have your nose out of joint about Islam these last few days. What's up with that? Why the bigotry all of a sudden?"

Sorry, but institutionalized sexism is not a "valid cultural difference" any more than apartheid was a valid cultural difference of South Africa, slavery was a valid cultural difference of the CSA, or a little bit of anti-Semitism was a valid cultural difference of Nazi Germany. Chew on that.)


  1. I am surprised that the woman that was in the binkini was not hung or stoned on sight. For the most part the entire region is stuck in the perverbal 12th century. I just wish more feminist would take up this issue instead of saying that it is all about inclusiveness and diversity. Which is getting these women killed, raped, and treated like property.

  2. Funny, when the local multicultis around here speak about the inherent beauty of all the other cultures than our own, this is the kind of thing they seem to forget. It seems that the foreign cultures only consist of pretty pottery and some weird poetry, and the whole stoning and honor-killing thing is something totally outside the said cultures.

    I wonder why.

  3. Yesterday I went to downtown Stuttgart for some shopping. On my way to the English Shop I passed by a couple. She (I can only assume it was a woman) was veiled and dressed in black from head to toe.
    Why would anyone in her right mind walk around dressed in this way?
    Unless she is forced by someone to do so...

  4. or indoctrinated...

  5. I dunno. While I agree with your sentiment, Tam, I kinda look askance at an Olympic sport where women are not allowed to wear anything other than skimpy outfits.

  6. Too bad slaveholders and central government authoritarians couldn't have killed each other off to a man.


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