Thursday, January 04, 2007

Blog Stuff: Viewing '06 From The Porch...

Given that this is the first week of the new year, I'm going to take advantage of a gimme post idea from Mostly Cajun, passed on by Kevin at The Smallest Minority; to wit, a "Best Of 2006 At VFTP" post:

In January, I wrote one of my most read posts up to that date: "Boomsticks: The Once And Future Pistol", my paean to John Moses Browning's seminal fighting pistol. It still drags in a couple of linked hits or flotsam from Google daily. February's highlight, judging by commentary, was the post titled "Politics: Bill Gates' Pizza", a rant on the zero sum view of economics. I bemoaned my clothing choices in "It's hard to be both fashionable and heavily armed." during March, and April brought a poke at bogus 'operators' entitled "Thank you for calling Fort Bragg. How may I direct your call?". May's big musing was on the NSA's phone database, and was called "Politics: If you use my tin can & string, can I tell Mom?". Electronic safety devices for firearms were the topic of June's "Boomsticks: a screen door on a submarine", while July brought a discussion of the realities of microeconomics in "Boomsticks: Economics 101". July was also the month that I sold out for hits. August will be remembered as the month of The Great Flying Shampoo Panic in "The Air Travel Scenario: Reality bites." The ninth month saw my first Instalanche and my most widely-linked post yet: "I ain't goin' out like that..."; October's hit was "The sacred Middle Class". The big post in November was actually the firestorm in the comments of the War on (Some) Drugs post "...and look where it's gotten us" which more or less led directly to the "The Revenge of Barney Fife" post in December.

...and that was the year that was at View From The Porch.


  1. "July was also the month that I sold out for hits."

    Complete with link. Heh.
    Tam, this reminds me of one of those "very special episode[s]" on TV, in which it's a retrospective, consisting almost entirely of clips from previous shows and previous seasons.

    Shameless! ;)

  2. I think Dale of Mostly Cajun may have started a fad.

  3. I know.

    A "Greatest Hits" post. I feel like I've jumped the shark.

    Ironically, it took more time, effort, and skull sweat to assemble this linkfest than it would have to churn out the three paragraph screed I'd originally intended to write...

  4. "a "Best Of 2006 At VFTP" post..."

    And a very good year it was. I discovered VFTP around mid-year and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Even went back in the archives and read (almost) everything from the beginning. Thanks and keep up the good skull sweating.

    Oh, and BTW, you can sell out any ol' time you want. No arguments here.

  5. "Ironically, it took more time, effort, and skull sweat to assemble this linkfest than it would have to churn out the three paragraph screed I'd originally intended to write..."

    I know what you mean. This post plum wore me out. My 'puter's been sick for the last month, so I've been typing in the hotlinks by hand.
    All for naught.

    Note how those stats jumped by 30%, upon publishing the bikini photo.

    I guess I could dig back for pics from back in the day, but nobody'd wanna see 'em. :)


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