Monday, February 26, 2007

Blog Stuff: A confession.

I have a confession to make.

The last time I watched the Oscars was, like, fifteen years ago, and that was because it was on at the laundromat. I occasionally glanced up from my James Burke to check my laundry and note that the acceptance speech for "Best Best boy", or whatever, seemed to be nothing but a tedious thank you list, crediting Jesus, his pet border collie, and his parents for giving him the wisdom to pick the right extension cord.

Why would I watch? I'm not going to learn anything. It doesn't contain information about new movies; it's all about the movies of the past year. I already know which of those I liked, and what I liked about them. I'm also aware of whether critics liked them or not. It's not like I'm going to experience some astounding revelation like "Oh, I thought Titanic was a tedious bore, but it just won Best Picture, so I guess I'll like it now." If I thought a movie was good, I've already rewarded it the best way I know how: By forking over my hard-earned shekels to watch it a couple or three times.

They say a billion people were tuned in yesterday. Think about the real implications of that for a moment. That means that one billion of my fellow h. saps had nothing better to do on a Sunday night than watch a bunch of people they don't know (and probably wouldn't like if they did) go to a party they weren't invited to, and talk about what they were wearing. I suppose this must provide some pleasurable stimulus for the viewer, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what it is...


  1. The Oscars was on last night?

    I didn't know (or care, for that matter). No joke.

    About that "one billion" number: I hope that is as inflated as the egos of those on the show. It's a sad thought of the first order to think that something like 17% of mankind has nothing better to do than watch a display like that.

  2. James Burke Rocks!

    I'm watching his Connections 2 at the moment.

    Earl Harding

  3. I remember running across it while looking for something interesting on the tube. I happened to hit it when DiCaprio and Gore were on stage. I thought he was going to drop to his knees and start worshiping (or worse) Gore for a second there...

  4. Between the Law & Order Marathon on USA and the new episode of Battlestar Galactica, I missed the Oscars.

    Poor me.

  5. If not for DVR, I wouldn't watch it at all. But unlike you, I'm petty, bilious, and have no life, so it comes to this. There was something almost toothsome about being able to zip past the environmentalist Al-Gore woody circle-jerk and get to the important bits, like who was wearing whom and who seemed coked to the gills. Drab stuff. You're better off out of it. You should thank the academy for failing to engage you.

  6. ...although the bit about the bayonet on the .357 made me think of you.

  7. I watched 'cuz the missus wanted to ... and it was all worth it because I got to see her go non-linear on Gore accepting for his "Invertebrate Truth" stuff. :-)


  8. Oscars?! Accck! What a worthless consumption of space, time and energy. Humm I hope I never fall so low or become so attention depraved that I need 17 billion people to tell me I'm wonderful I am. =P

  9. You've got that right! And yeah, for an ERROR filled, MISLEADING PowerPoint presentation. They might not know it, or care, but they lost more of my money with that one.

  10. The Oscars were last night?

    I probably was listening to an audio book on my drive from Idaho to the Seattle area. But it's been months since I watched T.V. anyway. I would have missed it even if I had know about it.

    As a friend once said, "I have my own life to live. I don't have any time to live through someone else."

    Joe Huffman

  11. Like Bob said, "The Oscars were on Sunday night?"

    I had no idea, and could care less. IIRC, I was reading Bad Prince Charlie, by John Moore. Hysterical book.

    I do occasionally watch one award show - the Country Music Awards. Good performances, and Dolly usually makes it worthwhile!

    (and my word verification for this post is "eatmct" - gotta figure out what "mct" is!)


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