Monday, February 26, 2007

Blog Stuff: Well, it's certainly been good for some hits...


  1. I can just see it now, "Yes, Mr. Zumbo, we understand you said you're sorry, but just to play it safe, we will sell you no more powder." (Of course, he probably doesn't reload anyway...)

  2. Tam - did you see that John Derbyshire on NRO's The Corner copied-and-pasted your first graph on Zumbo? (linked form Instapundit)

  3. The Saloon just went over 150k today! I get squat from Google but apparently everybody and their cousin uses The Blogroll from the Porch! Thanks for the link!

  4. Cowboy Blob,

    I gotta admit; you're right. I have Tam's blog favorite-ized. She's a portal of sorts for me. I use her blogroll to visit you, Kit, and some others. I hope you don't feel slighted.


  5. Slighted? Heck, I use it too! The Porch is sometimes cozier than the Saloon.


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